{ ROSSND.INC - Remote Operating System File Send Routines } { 14dec87 wb - chain to ROSUNCR.CHN for uncrunching files 13nov86 wb - 1k packet vers. } overlay procedure SendXmodem; { Send a file using Xmodem protocol } const STX = #$02; var OK: boolean; this: FilePtr; XfrName: FileName; XfrFile: untype_file; Buffer: array[1..1024] of byte; TPL: char; KPacket: boolean; packet_size: integer; procedure SendFile(var XfrFile: untype_file; remaining: integer); const maxerr = 10; var CRCmode, timeout: boolean; bt: byte; ch: char; mm, ss, time_on, time_left, i, vv, block, block2, errcnt: integer; begin timer(time_on, time_left); send_time(remaining, mm, ss); if mm > time_left then begin writeln(USR, 'Insufficient time remaining for transfer.'); OK := FALSE end else begin errcnt := 0; block := 1; writeln(USR, XfrName, ' contains ', remaining, ' blocks.'); writeln(USR, 'Send time: ', mm, ' minutes ',ss, ' seconds at ', rate, ' bps.'); writeln(USR, 'To cancel, type CTL-X.'); writeln(USR, 'Ready to send...'); block2 := remaining; if KPacket then begin TPL := STX; packet_size := 1024; end else begin TPL := SOH; packet_size := 128; end; repeat bt := GetByte(10, timeout); CRCmode := (bt = ord('C')); if CRCmode then begin writeln('CRC mode requested.'); errcnt := 0 end else if bt = ord(NAK) then begin writeln('Checksum mode requested.'); errcnt := 0 end else if bt = ord(CAN) then errcnt := maxerr else errcnt := succ(errcnt) until (errcnt = 0) or (errcnt >= maxerr); while (remaining > 0) and (errcnt < maxerr) do begin if remaining < 8 then begin KPacket := False; TPL := SOH; Packet_Size := 128; end; if KPacket then blockread(XfrFile, Buffer, 8) else blockread(XfrFile, Buffer, BufBlocks); if KPacket then remaining := remaining - 8 else remaining := pred(remaining); repeat vv := 0; if CRCmode then begin for i := 1 to packet_size do updcrc(vv, Buffer[i]); updcrc(vv, 0); updcrc(vv, 0) end else for i := 1 to packet_size do vv := vv + Buffer[i]; writeln('vv= ',vv); PutByte(ord(TPL)); PutByte(lo(block)); PutByte(not lo(block)); for i := 1 to packet_size do PutByte(Buffer[i]); if CRCmode then PutByte(hi(vv)); PutByte(lo(vv)); repeat bt := GetByte(12, timeout); if bt = ord(ACK) then begin write(CR, 'Block sent: '); { Local display of what is happening } if KPacket then write(block * 8 - 7,'-',block * 8) else write(block2 - remaining); ClrEol; block := succ(block); errcnt := 0 end else if (bt = ord(NAK)) or timeout then begin if bt = ord(NAK) then write(' ++ NAK received') else if timeout then write(' ++ Timeout'); errcnt := succ(errcnt); writeln(' - error ', errcnt, ' ++') end else if bt = ord(CAN) then errcnt := maxerr; ch := GetChar { Monitor local console } until (bt in [ord(ACK), ord(NAK), ord(CAN)]) or timeout until (errcnt = 0) or (errcnt >= maxerr) end; writeln; OK := (errcnt = 0); if OK then begin repeat PutByte(ord(EOT)); if ord(ACK) = GetByte(10, timeout) then errcnt := 0 else errcnt := succ(errcnt) until (errcnt = 0) or (errcnt >= maxerr); bt := GetByte(2, timeout); OK := (errcnt = 0); if OK then writeln(USR, 'Transfer complete.') else writeln(USR, 'End of file not acknowledged.') end else writeln(USR, 'Transfer cancelled.') end; end; begin { SendXmodem } XfrName := correct_fn(prompt('File name', 12, 'ES')); KPacket := ask('1k Packets'); if XfrName <> '' then begin if in_library then this := LibBase else this := DirBase; while (this <> nil) and (XfrName <> compress_fn(this^.fname)) do this := this^.next; if this <> nil then begin log(5, XfrName); SetSect(SetDrv, SetUsr); if in_library then begin seek(libr_file, this^.index); SendFile(libr_file, this^.fsize) end else begin Assign(XfrFile, XfrName); Reset(XfrFile); SendFile(XfrFile, FileSize(XfrFile)); Close(XfrFile) end; SetSect(HomDrv, HomUsr); if OK then begin log(7, ''); user_rec.download := succ(user_rec.download) end else log(8, '') end else writeln(USR, XfrName, ' not found.') end end; overlay procedure SendText; var this: FilePtr; { Made these variables global to pass file to ROSUNCR.CHN XfrName: FileName; XfrFile: untype_file; } procedure SendFile(var XfrFile: untype_file; remaining: integer); { Send a squeezed, crunched or ASCII file } const recognize = $FF76; DLE = $90; var EndOfFile, squeezed, crunched : boolean; i, x, BufferPtr, bpos, curin, repct, lastc, NoOfRecs, line_count: integer; FileType: String[3]; ErrMsg: StrPr; dnode: array [0..255, 0..1] of integer; function getc: integer; { Get an 8 bit value from the input buffer - read block if necessary } begin if BufferPtr > BufSize then begin NoOfRecs := min(BufBlocks, remaining); EndOfFile := (NoOfRecs = 0); if not EndOfFile then begin {$I-} BlockRead(XfrFile, Buffer, NoOfRecs) {$I+}; EndOfFile := (IOresult <> 0) end; remaining := remaining - NoOfRecs; BufferPtr := 1 end; getc := Buffer[BufferPtr]; BufferPtr := succ(BufferPtr) end; function getw: integer; { Get a 16 bit value from the input buffer } begin getw := getc + Swap(getc) end; procedure BuildTree; { Build decode tree } var i, CheckSum, numnodes: integer; begin ErrMsg := ''; if recognize = getw { Is it really a squeezed file? } then begin CheckSum := getw; { Get checksum } XfrName := ''; i := getc; { Build original file name } while i <> 0 do begin XfrName := XfrName + UpCase(chr(i)); i := getc end; numnodes := getw; { Get the number of nodes in tree } if (0 < numnodes) and (numnodes <= 256) then for i := 0 to pred(numnodes) do begin dnode[i, 0] := getw; dnode[i, 1] := getw; end else begin ErrMsg := 'Invalid decode tree size.'; squeezed := FALSE end end else squeezed := FALSE end; function gethuff: integer; { Get character coding } var i: integer; begin i := 0; repeat bpos := succ(bpos); if bpos > 7 then begin curin := getc; bpos := 0 end else curin := curin shr 1; i := dnode[i, curin and $0001] until i < 0; i := -succ(i); if i = 0 then gethuff := 26 else gethuff := i end; function getcr: integer; var c: integer; begin if repct > 0 then begin repct := pred(repct); getcr := lastc end else begin c := gethuff; if c = DLE then begin repct := gethuff; if repct = 0 then getcr := DLE else begin repct := repct - 2; getcr := lastc end end else begin getcr := c; lastc := c end end end; begin { SendFile } i := pos('.', XfrName); if i = 0 then FileType := '' else FileType := copy(XfrName, succ(i), length(XfrName)); squeezed := ('Q' = FileType[2]); crunched := ('Z' = FileType[2]); repct := 0; bpos := 8; ErrMsg := ''; BufferPtr := MaxInt; { Force a read the first time } EndOfFile := FALSE; if remaining > 0 then begin if squeezed then BuildTree; i := pos('.', XfrName); if 0 = i then FileType := '' else FileType := copy(XfrName, succ(i), length(XfrName)); if (FileType = 'COM') or (FileType = 'OBJ') or (FileType = 'EXE') or (FileType = 'LBR') then ErrMsg := 'Xmodem protocol required for ".' + FileType + '" files.'; if ErrMsg = '' then begin line_count := 0; if crunched then begin { Save heap pointers & 1st 128 bytes of heap } heap_ptr:=HeapPtr; heap_fre:=HeapFre; setsect(HomDrv,HomUsr); assign(chain_file,'ROSUNCR.CHN'); chain(chain_file); end; if squeezed then begin writeln(USR, ' ---> ', XfrName); x := getcr end else x := getc; while (not brk) and (not EndOfFile) and (x <> 26) do begin write(USR, chr(x)); if (user_rec.lines <> 99) and (chr(x) = LF) then begin line_count := succ(line_count); if line_count mod user_rec.lines = 0 then pause end; if squeezed then x := getcr else x := getc end end end else ErrMsg := 'Missing or empty input file.'; if ErrMsg <> '' then writeln(USR, ErrMsg) end; begin { SendText } XfrName := correct_fn(prompt('File name', 12, 'ES')); if XfrName <> '' then begin if in_library then this := LibBase else this := DirBase; while (this <> nil) and (XfrName <> compress_fn(this^.fname)) do this := this^.next; if this <> nil then begin log(6, XfrName); SetSect(SetDrv, SetUsr); if in_library then begin {$I-} seek(libr_file, this^.index) {$I+}; if IOresult = 0 then SendFile(libr_file, this^.fsize) end else begin Assign(XfrFile, XfrName); Reset(XfrFile); SendFile(XfrFile, FileSize(XfrFile)); Close(XfrFile) end; SetSect(HomDrv, HomUsr); log(7, '') end else writeln(USR, XfrName, ' not found.') end end;