{ ROSMSG.INC - Remote Operating System Message Sub-system } { 09dec87 wb - Modified to access section file data from disk instead of heap to reduce ram requirements. } overlay procedure mesg_enter(to_ctrl: char); { Enter a new message } type TextPtr = ^TextRecord; TextRecord = record LineNo : integer; { Line number } TextMsg : message; { Summary index } next : TextPtr { Pointer to next element on list } end; var stop_msg: boolean; msg_status: record_status; ch: char; last_line, to_loc: integer; TextBase, TextLast, this: TextPtr; to_fn: firstname; to_ln: lastname; subj: subject; key: StrName; temp_user_rec: user_list; procedure mesg_input(var last_line: integer); { Input message } var ch: char; this: TextPtr; msg: StrStd; begin Writeln(USR); msg := ' '; next_inpstr := ''; while (not brk) and (msg <> '') do begin msg := next_inpstr; Write(USR, last_line:2, '> '); GetStr(msg, ch, len_msg, 'AEW'); Writeln(USR); if msg <> '' then if MaxAvail > 256 then begin new(this); if TextBase = nil then TextBase := this else TextLast^.next := this; TextLast := this; TextLast^.LineNo := last_line; TextLast^.TextMsg := msg; TextLast^.next := nil; last_line := succ(last_line) end else begin Writeln(USR, 'Insufficient memory to continue message entry.'); msg := '' end end end; procedure mesg_edit; { Edit selected line from message } var ch: char; i: integer; this: TextPtr; msg: StrStd; begin Writeln(USR); i := strint(prompt('Line number', 2, 'E')); this := TextBase; while (i <> this^.LineNo) and (this <> nil) do this := this^.next; if this <> nil then begin msg := this^.TextMsg; Write(USR, i:2, '> '); GetStr(msg, ch, len_msg, 'AEW'); Writeln(USR); if msg <> '' then this^.TextMsg := msg; end else Writeln(USR, 'Line not found.') end; procedure mesg_print; { Display message currently being edited } var this: TextPtr; begin Writeln(USR, 'From: ', user_rec.fn, ' ', user_rec.ln); if to_fn = '' then Writeln(USR, ' To: ALL') else Writeln(USR, ' To: ', to_fn, ' ', to_ln); Writeln(USR, ' Re: ', subj); Writeln(USR); this := TextBase; while (not brk) and (this <> nil) do begin Writeln(USR, this^.LineNo:2, ': ', this^.TextMsg); this := this^.next end end; procedure mesg_save(to_loc: integer; subj: subject; var stop_msg: boolean); { Save message to disk } var start, line_count: integer; this: TextPtr; file_time: tad_array; str: StrTAD; begin Writeln(USR); if (msg_status = private) and (user_rec.access >= 20) and (valid_pw) then if ask('Do you want this message to be public') then msg_status := public; start := filesize(mesg_file); seek(mesg_file, start); line_count := 0; this := TextBase; while this <> nil do begin Write(mesg_file, this^.TextMsg); line_count := succ(line_count); this := this^.next end; if line_count > 0 then begin GetTAD(file_time); str := FormTAD(file_time); seek(summ_file, 0); read(summ_file, summ_rec); with summ_rec do begin date := file_time; status := msg_status; area := AreaSet; num := succ(num); num_prev := 0; num_next := 0; user_from := user_loc; user_to := to_loc; subject := subj; st_rec := start; size := line_count end; seek(summ_file, 0); Write(summ_file, summ_rec); seek(summ_file, filesize(summ_file)); Write(summ_file, summ_rec); mesg_insert(2); case msg_status of private: Write(USR, 'Private'); public: Write(USR, 'Public') end; Writeln(USR, ' message ', summ_rec.num, ' filed ', str) end else Writeln(USR, 'Empty message not filed.'); stop_msg := TRUE end; procedure mesg_quit(var stop_msg: boolean); { Return to command mode } begin Writeln(USR); Writeln(USR, 'Message not filed.'); stop_msg := TRUE end; begin { mesg_enter } if user_rec.access < 20 then list('D'); Writeln(USR); Writeln(USR, 'From: ', user_rec.fn, ' ', user_rec.ln); OK := FALSE; msg_status := private; repeat if (user_rec.access < 20) or (to_ctrl = 'S') or ((to_ctrl = 'A') and (summ_rec.user_from = 0)) then begin to_fn := 'SYSOP'; Writeln(USR, ' To: ', to_fn) end else if (to_ctrl = 'A') and (summ_rec.user_from > 0) then begin to_loc := summ_rec.user_from; OK := TRUE; GetRec(DatF, to_loc, temp_user_rec); to_fn := temp_user_rec.fn; to_ln := temp_user_rec.ln; Writeln(USR, ' To: ', to_fn, ' ', to_ln) end else to_fn := prompt('To FIRST name [C/R for ALL]', len_fn, 'ES'); if to_fn = '' then begin to_loc := 0; msg_status := public; OK := TRUE end else if to_fn = 'SYSOP' then to_ln := '' else if to_ctrl <> 'A' then to_ln := prompt('LAST name', len_ln, 'ES'); if not OK then begin key := pad(to_ln, len_ln) + pad(to_fn, len_fn); FindKey(IdxF, to_loc, key); if not OK then Writeln(USR, to_fn, ' ', to_ln, ' not known on system.') end until (not online) or OK; if not valid_pw then begin subj := 'Password problem'; Writeln(USR, ' Re: ', subj) end else if user_rec.access < 20 then begin subj := 'New user'; Writeln(USR, ' Re: ', subj) end else subj := prompt('Subject', len_subj, 'E'); Writeln(USR); Writeln(USR, 'To return to command mode, enter an empty line.'); Writeln(USR, 'Ready for message...'); TextBase := nil; last_line := 1; mesg_input(last_line); stop_msg := FALSE; repeat Writeln(USR); case select('Edit command', 'ContinueEditListSaveQuit') of 'C': mesg_input(last_line); 'E': mesg_edit; 'L': mesg_print; 'S': mesg_save(to_loc, subj, stop_msg); 'Q': mesg_quit(stop_msg); '?': list('E') end until (not online) or stop_msg; while TextBase <> nil do begin this := TextBase; { Get rid of list elements } TextBase := TextBase^.next; dispose(this) end end; overlay procedure mesg_quick_scan; { Print abbreviated summary of messages } var private: boolean; sep: char; num, line_count: integer; begin line_count := 0; private := FALSE; num := mesg_start('Start'); MesgCurr := MesgBase; while (MesgCurr <> nil) and (MesgCurr^.MesgNo < num) do MesgCurr := MesgCurr^.next; Writeln(USR); while (not brk) and (MesgCurr <> nil) do begin if (MesgCurr^.TypMsg = 1) or (MesgCurr^.TypMsg = 2) then begin private := TRUE; sep := '*' end else sep := ':'; seek(summ_file, MesgCurr^.SummLoc); read(summ_file, summ_rec); Writeln(USR, MesgCurr^.MesgNo, sep, ' ', summ_rec.subject); MesgCurr := MesgCurr^.next; if user_rec.lines <> 99 then begin line_count := succ(line_count); if line_count mod user_rec.lines = 0 then pause end end; if private then begin Writeln(USR); Writeln(USR, '"*" marks messages to or from you.') end end; overlay procedure mesg_summary; { Message summary } var num, first_line, last_line, line_count: integer; begin line_count := 0; num := mesg_start('Start'); MesgCurr := MesgBase; while (MesgCurr <> nil) and (MesgCurr^.MesgNo < num) do MesgCurr := MesgCurr^.next; while (not brk) and (MesgCurr <> nil) do begin mesg_header_list(MesgCurr^.SummLoc, first_line, last_line); MesgCurr := MesgCurr^.next; if user_rec.lines <> 99 then begin line_count := succ(line_count); if line_count mod (user_rec.lines div 5) = 0 then pause end end end; overlay procedure mesg_read; { Read message } var ch: char; update: boolean; i, num, first_line, last_line, line_count: integer; begin OK := TRUE; num := mesg_start('Start'); MesgCurr := MesgBase; while (MesgCurr <> nil) and (MesgCurr^.MesgNo < num) do MesgCurr := MesgCurr^.next; while (not brk) and (MesgCurr <> nil) and OK do begin if MesgCurr^.MesgNo > user_rec.lasthi then user_rec.lasthi := MesgCurr^.MesgNo; mesg_header_list(MesgCurr^.SummLoc, first_line, last_line); line_count := 4; i := 1; seek(mesg_file, first_line); while (not brk) and (i <= last_line) do begin read(mesg_file, mesg_rec); Writeln(USR, mesg_rec); i := succ(i); if user_rec.lines <> 99 then begin line_count := succ(line_count); if line_count mod user_rec.lines = 0 then pause end end; update := (summ_rec.user_to = user_loc) and (summ_rec.status = private); if update then summ_rec.status := read; if user_rec.access >= 250 then begin repeat Writeln(USR); ch := select('Message command', 'DeleteIndividualMovePublicRead'); case ch of 'D': mesg_delete; 'I': summ_rec.status := private; 'M': summ_rec.area := strint(prompt('Message area', 3, 'E')); 'P': summ_rec.status := public; 'R': summ_rec.status := read; '?': Writeln(USR, 'elete, ndividual (private), ove,

ublic, ead') end until (not online) or (ch <> '?'); if ch <> 'D' then MesgCurr := MesgCurr^.next; update := update or (ch in ['I', 'M', 'P', 'R']) end else if (summ_rec.user_from = user_loc) or (summ_rec.user_to = user_loc) then begin Writeln(USR); if ask('DELETE this message') then mesg_delete else begin Writeln(USR, 'Message retained.'); MesgCurr := MesgCurr^.next end end else MesgCurr := MesgCurr^.next; if update then begin seek(summ_file, pred(FilePos(summ_file))); Write(summ_file, summ_rec) end; Writeln(USR); if MesgCurr <> nil then if user_rec.lines = 99 then OK := TRUE else OK := ask('READ next message') end end; overlay procedure mesg_kill; { Delete message } var num: integer; begin num := mesg_start('Message'); MesgCurr := MesgBase; while (MesgCurr <> nil) and (MesgCurr^.MesgNo < num) do MesgCurr := MesgCurr^.next; if MesgCurr^.MesgNo = num then begin read(summ_file, summ_rec); if (user_loc = summ_rec.user_from) or (user_loc = summ_rec.user_to) or (user_rec.access >= 250) then mesg_delete else Writeln(USR, 'Message not to or from you.') end else Writeln(USR, 'Message not found.') end; overlay procedure mesg_area_change(req: Str10); { Change message area } const col_width = 12; var col_count, col_limit: integer; pr: StrPr; begin col_limit := max(1, user_rec.columns div col_width); pr := 'Message area'; if user_rec.help_level > 1 then pr := pr + ' [press "?" for menu]'; if req = '' then req := prompt(pr, 10, 'ES?'); while req <> '' do begin if req = '?' then begin Writeln(USR, 'Available message areas:'); Writeln(USR); reset(sect_file); while (not brk) and (not eof(sect_file)) do begin readln(sect_file, SDrive, SUser, SAccs, SName, SDesc); if (user_rec.access >= SAccs) and (SDrive = ' ') then Writeln(USR, pad(SNAme, 14), SDesc); end; Writeln(USR); req := prompt(pr, 10, 'ES?') end else if req <> '' then begin reset(sect_file); while ((req <> trim(SName)) or (SDrive <> ' ')) and (not eof(sect_file)) do readln(sect_file, SDrive, SUser, SAccs, SName, SDesc); if (req = trim(SName)) and (user_rec.access >= SAccs) then begin AreaSet := SUser; AreaReq := req; req := ''; mesg_build_index(AreaSet); mesg_directory end else begin Writeln(USR, '"', req, '" not found. Available message areas:'); Writeln(USR); col_count := 0; reset(sect_file); while (not brk) and (not eof(sect_file)) do begin readln(sect_file, SDrive, SUser, SAccs, SName, SDesc); if (user_rec.access >= SAccs) and (SDrive = ' ') then begin Write(USR, pad(SName, col_width)); col_count := succ(col_count); if 0 = col_count mod col_limit then Writeln(USR) end; end; if 0 <> col_count mod col_limit then Writeln(USR); Writeln(USR); req := prompt(pr, 10, 'ES?') end end end end; { begin col_limit := max(1, user_rec.columns div col_width); pr := 'Message area'; if user_rec.help_level > 1 then pr := pr + ' [press "?" for menu]'; if req = '' then req := prompt(pr, 10, 'ES?'); while req <> '' do begin this := AreaBase; if req = '?' then begin Writeln(USR, 'Available message areas:'); Writeln(USR); while (not brk) and (this <> nil) do begin if user_rec.access >= this^.AreaAccs then Writeln(USR, pad(this^.AreaName, 14), this^.AreaDesc); this := this^.next end; Writeln(USR); req := prompt(pr, 10, 'ES?') end else if req <> '' then begin while (req <> this^.AreaName) and (this <> nil) do this := this^.next; if (req = this^.AreaName) and (user_rec.access >= this^.AreaAccs) then begin AreaSet := this^.Area; AreaReq := req; req := ''; mesg_build_index(AreaSet); mesg_directory end else begin Writeln(USR, '"', req, '" not found. Available message areas:'); Writeln(USR); col_count := 0; this := AreaBase; while (not brk) and (this <> nil) do begin if user_rec.access >= this^.AreaAccs then begin Write(USR, pad(this^.AreaName, col_width)); col_count := succ(col_count); if 0 = col_count mod col_limit then Writeln(USR) end; this := this^.next end; if 0 <> col_count mod col_limit then Writeln(USR); Writeln(USR); req := prompt(pr, 10, 'ES?') end end end end; }