{ ROSFIL.INC - Remote Operating System: File Sub-system } { 08dec87 wb - Modified so Section file data is accessed from disk instead of heap to reduce ram requirement. } overlay procedure toggle_st_switch; { Toggle file size display } begin writeln(USR); st_switch := not st_switch; write(USR, 'File sizes will be shown in '); if st_switch then writeln(USR, 'bytes, where "k" is 1024.') else writeln(USR, 'minutes and seconds of transfer time.') end; overlay procedure newin_list; { List new uploads } var i, line_count: integer; str: StrTAD; temp_user_rec: user_list; begin line_count := 0; i := pred(FileSize(nwin_file)); while (not brk) and (i >= 0) do begin seek(nwin_file, i); read(nwin_file, nwin_rec); with nwin_rec do begin if status = public then begin str := FormTAD(date); GetRec(DatF, user, temp_user_rec); writeln(USR); writeln(USR, pad(name, 15), descr); writeln(USR, ' ', pad(str, 30), temp_user_rec.fn, ' ', temp_user_rec.ln); if user_rec.lines <> 99 then begin line_count := succ(line_count); if line_count mod (user_rec.lines div 3) = 0 then pause end end end; i := pred(i) end end; overlay procedure file_area_change(req: Str10); { View and set up file area for use } const col_width = 12; var col_count, col_limit, Drive, User: integer; pr: StrPr; begin col_limit := max(1, user_rec.columns div col_width); if req = '' then begin pr := 'File area'; if user_rec.help_level > 1 then pr := pr + ' [press "?" for menu]'; req := prompt(pr, 10, 'ES?') end; while (not new_dir) and (req <> '') do begin if req = '?' then begin writeln(USR, 'Available file areas:'); writeln(USR); reset(sect_file); while (not brk) and (not eof(sect_file)) do begin readln(sect_file,SDrive,SUser,SAccs,SName,SDesc); if SDrive <> ' ' then if user_rec.access >= SAccs then writeln(USR, pad(SName, 14), SDesc); end; writeln(USR); req := prompt(pr, 10, 'ES?') end else if req <> '' then begin FindSect(req, Drive, User, OK); if OK then begin SectReq := req; SetDrv := Drive; SetUsr := User; ReadDir(DirEntries, DirSpace, DirBase) end else begin writeln(USR, '"', req, '" not found. Available file areas:'); writeln(USR); col_count := 0; reset(sect_file); while (not brk) and (not eof(sect_file)) do begin readln(sect_file,SDrive,SUser,SAccs,SName,SDesc); if SDrive <> ' ' then if user_rec.access >= SAccs then begin write(USR, pad(SNAme, col_width)); col_count := succ(col_count); if 0 = col_count mod col_limit then writeln(USR) end; end; if 0 <> col_count mod col_limit then writeln(USR); writeln(USR); req := prompt(pr, 10, 'ES?') end end end end; { begin col_limit := max(1, user_rec.columns div col_width); if req = '' then begin pr := 'File area'; if user_rec.help_level > 1 then pr := pr + ' [press "?" for menu]'; req := prompt(pr, 10, 'ES?') end; while (not new_dir) and (req <> '') do begin this := SectBase; if req = '?' then begin writeln(USR, 'Available file areas:'); writeln(USR); while (not brk) and (this <> nil) do begin if user_rec.access >= this^.SectAccs then writeln(USR, pad(this^.SectName, 14), this^.SectDesc); this := this^.next end; writeln(USR); req := prompt(pr, 10, 'ES?') end else if req <> '' then begin FindSect(req, Drive, User, OK); if OK then begin SectReq := req; SetDrv := Drive; SetUsr := User; ReadDir(DirEntries, DirSpace, DirBase) end else begin writeln(USR, '"', req, '" not found. Available file areas:'); writeln(USR); col_count := 0; this := SectBase; while (not brk) and (this <> nil) do begin if user_rec.access >= this^.SectAccs then begin write(USR, pad(this^.SectName, col_width)); col_count := succ(col_count); if 0 = col_count mod col_limit then writeln(USR) end; this := this^.next end; if 0 <> col_count mod col_limit then writeln(USR); writeln(USR); req := prompt(pr, 10, 'ES?') end end end end; } overlay procedure library; { Open and close a library } var i: integer; this: FilePtr; begin { library } if in_library then begin SetSect(SetDrv, SetUsr); { Close file } Close(libr_file); SetSect(HomDrv, HomUsr); while LibBase <> nil do { Clean out old list } begin this := LibBase; LibBase := LibBase^.Next; { Go to next on chain } dispose(this) { Reclaim space } end; in_library := FALSE; writeln(USR, 'Library ', LibReq, ' closed.') end else begin LibReq := prompt('Library', 12, 'ES'); delete(LibReq, 1, pos(':', LibReq)); if LibReq <> '' then begin if pos('.', LibReq) = 0 then LibReq := LibReq + '.LBR'; if copy(LibReq, succ(pos('.', LibReq)), 3) = 'LBR' then LibReadDir(LibEntries, LibSpace, LibBase); if not in_library then writeln(USR, 'Cannot open ', LibReq, '.') end end end; overlay procedure directory; { Display file area or library directory } const col_width = 19; var i, j, k, entries, rows, mm, ss, size, col_count, col_limit, line_count: integer; this: FilePtr; nodes: array[1..4] of FilePtr; st: Str10; fn: FileName; begin col_limit := max(1, user_rec.columns div col_width); writeln(USR); new_dir := FALSE; if in_library then begin this := LibBase; entries := LibEntries; if entries = 0 then writeln(USR, ' Library: ', LibReq, ' is empty.') else writeln(USR, ' Library: ', LibReq, ' Files: ', entries, ' Space used: ', LibSpace, 'k') end else begin this := DirBase; entries := DirEntries; if entries = 0 then writeln(USR, ' File area: ', SectReq, ' is empty.') else write(USR, ' File area: ', SectReq, ' Files: ', entries, ' Space used: ', DirSpace, 'k'); if user_rec.access >= 250 then writeln(USR, ' Free: ', free_space, 'k') else writeln(USR) end; line_count := 2; if entries > 0 then begin rows := entries div col_limit; if 0 <> entries mod col_limit then rows := succ(rows); nodes[1] := this; for i := 2 to col_limit do begin for j := 1 to rows do this := this^.next; nodes[i] := this end; i := 1; while (not brk) and (i <= rows) do begin for j := 1 to col_limit do begin this := nodes[j]; if (i + rows * pred(j)) <= entries then begin if st_switch then begin size := this^.fsize shr 3; if (this^.fsize mod 8) <> 0 then size := succ(size); st := intstr(size, 4) + 'k ' end else begin send_time(this^.fsize, mm, ss); st := intstr(mm, 3) + ':' + intstr(ss, 2); for k := 3 to length(st) do if st[k] = ' ' then st[k] := '0' end; fn := this^.fname; if ($80 and ord(fn[11])) <> 0 then begin fn[9] := '*'; { Indicate $SYS file } fn[11] := chr($7F and ord(fn[11])) end; write(USR, fn, st); if j < col_limit then write(USR, fence, ' ') else writeln(USR) end else writeln(USR); nodes[j] := nodes[j]^.next { Go to next on list } end; if user_rec.lines <> 99 then begin line_count := succ(line_count); if line_count mod user_rec.lines = 0 then pause end; i := succ(i) end end; if j <> col_limit then writeln(USR) end;