:W - Welcome message Welcome to the Albuquerque ROS Steve Fox - Sysop 300/1200/2400 bps detected at connect by a Courier 2400 Modem from US Robotics 8 bit characters, 1 stop bit, no parity, full duplex Operatinç 2´ houró peò daù aô (505)299-597´ froí Albuquerque¬ Ne÷ Mexico All information and activities on this system must be strictly legal. :B - printed for all users after login -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=[ BULLETINS ]=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- 10/19/8µ - ROÓ versioî 3.´ ió availablå iî thå ROÓ section®  Iô includeó alì previouslù  documenteä upgradeó tï versioî 3.³ aó welì aó enhancementó tï thå messagå anä sysoð systemó pluó manù "durability¢ improvements. Press... "?" for menus and help CTRL-S to pause listings Keys within "<>" for commands CTRL-C to cancel listings The number at the first of each system prompt is your access time remaining. -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- :1 - bulletin Turbo User Group Borlanä Internationaì sayó theù havå distributeä oveò 400,00° copieó oæ Turbï Pascal®  Severaì  programó  foò thió excellenô compileò arå storeä  iî  thå TPASCAÌ  filå  area®  Feeì  freå tï downloaä theså fileó anä tï  uploaä  anù otheró yoõ havå founä useful. Iæ yoõ arå usinç Turbï Pascal¬  yoõ maù bå interesteä iî thå Turbï Useò Grouð whicè  publisheó  á  bi-monthlù  magazinå  oæ  hints¬   bugs¬  insights¬  anä tutorials®  Thå  magazinå  ió noô large¬  buô thå  materiaì  ió  worthwhile® Membershið ió $20.00® Thå addresó is: Turbï Useò Grouð (TUG) P.O® Boø 1510 Poulsbo¬ Washingtoî USÁ 98370 :2 Remote Operating System - ROS Thå followinç brieflù describeó thå featureó oæ ROS¬  á completelù integrateä messagå anä filå transfeò system: General features:      Writteî entirelù iî Turbï Pascal¬ ROÓ doeó noô requirå otheò supporô       routineó sucè aó BYE¬ XMODEM¬ LUX, ZCPR, etc.      Fasô useò filå accesó usinç B« trees      Filå anä messagå accesó controlleä bù aî accesó leveì assigneä tï eacè Š      individuaì user      Provideó protecteä systeí eveî withouô ZCPR      Alì functionó selecteä bù á singlå keystroke User functions:      Senä anä receivå publiã anä privatå messageó iî multiplå messagå areas      Can access multiple file areas and libraries      Filå directorù is sorteä witè selectable filå sizes or transfeò time      Senä anä receivå fileó usinç Xmodeí protocoì (checksuí anä CRC)      Senä texô fileó witè automatiã processinç oæ "squeezed¢ files      List speciaì bulletins, system information, BBS lists, etc.      Chaô with sysop      Changå useò parameters including page and line length, prompt bell, etc.      List names of other users on system Sysop functions:      List, ediô, purge, and recover useò file      List and purge messages and system log List and update NEWIN list List, edit, and use macros (pre-defined keystroke sequences) Build system directory Copy and delete files      Locaì (console© logiî capability      Locaì commandó tï blanë remotå display¬ disablå remotå user¬ anä chat :3 -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- [ What's an Xmodem Anyway? ]- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- Severaì  timeó á day¬  aó É pasó thå systeí anä takå á quicë glancå jusô tï  makå  surå  thaô  alì ió well¬  É seå somå messageó  pertaininç  tï  filå transferó  anä  thaô someonå ió havinç á probleí oò twï  gettinç  thå  Xmodeí routineó tï run® Sï perhapó á quicë revie÷ oæ what'ó SUPPOSEÄ tï happeî wilì helð thoså thaô haven'ô useä Xmodeí filå transferó much. First, two definitions: Senderº  thå computeò systeí whicè wilì transmiô informatioî tï thå receiver¬ much like a radio station sends a signal to the radio receiver in our car. Receiverº  thå computeò systeí whicè wilì accepô oò receivå informatioî  froí the sender. Usinç  theså definitions¬  then¬  wheî yoõ asë ROS¬  whicè ió runninç oî THIÓ system¬ tï senä á file¬ ROÓ becomeó thå sendeò anä youò computeò becomeó thå  receiver®  Tï makå á filå availablå foò others¬  sucè aó thoså  iî  thå NEWIΠ section¬  yoõ  wilì neeä tï makå YOUÒ machinå thå sendeò anä  ROÓ  thå receiver. Thå  Xmodeí (oò Christensen© protocoì ió designeä tï producå erroò  freå filå transferó bù lockinç thå sendinç anä receivinç machineó togetheò iî sucè á  waù thaô anù erroró iî á blocë oò recorä arå detected®  Wheî aî erroò  ió founä  iî  thió way¬  thå receivinç machinå askó thå sendinç machinå  tï  trù again®  Thió  maù  happeî severaì timeó iî á singlå block¬  buô usuallù  thå reasoî  foò thå erroò ió noiså oî thå phonå linå thaô ió gonå wheî thå  blocë Šió re-sent®  Consequently¬  thå limiô oæ 1° erroró iî á singlå blocë  rarelù causeó  á  prematurå termination®  Iî fact¬  mosô terminationó occuò iî  thå firsô block¬ usuallù becauså thå twï machineó neveò goô synchronized. Thaô  interlock¬  sï  criticaì  tï  thå  succesó  oæ  thå  protocol¬  ió establisheä wheî thå receivinç machinå telló thå sendeò thaô iô ió ready¬ buô the sender MUST ALREADY BE WAITING FOR THAT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. So, to get a file from ROS to your system, follow these steps: 1. Tell ROS to end (from the Files sub-system). 2. Tell ROS which file you want. 3® ROÓ wilì verifù thaô thå filå doeó exisô anä thaô yoõ havå enougè accesó timå tï completå thå transfer® Iæ alì goeó well¬ ROÓ wilì announcå thå approximatå timå thå transfeò wilì take¬ anä theî saù thaô iô ió readù foò thå transfeò tï begin. 4® Telì YOUÒ COMPUTEÒ thaô yoõ wanô iô tï RECEIVÅ á file® Thió usuallù involveó somå commandó whicè includå thå filå namå anä maybå thå typå oæ protocoì (Xmodem© thaô wilì bå used® Thå exacô forí oæ thå commanä caî bå founä iî youò documentation. 5® Youò computeò wilì theî dï somå checkinç oæ itó own® Iæ alì goeó well¬ youò computeò wilì telì ROÓ thaô it'ó readù tï receivå anä thå transfeò wilì proceed. 6® Afteò thå transfeò ió complete¬ ROÓ wilì returî tï normaì commanä modå foò youò nexô instruction. To get a file from your system to ROS, follow these steps: 1. Tell ROS to eceive (from the Files sub-system). 2. Tell ROS the name of the file you intend to send it. 3® ROÓ wilì makå surå thå filå doesn'ô alreadù exisô anä thaô thå namå ió valid® Iæ alì goeó well¬ ROÓ wilì announcå thå amounô oæ disë spacå available¬ anä theî saù thaô iô ió readù foò thå transfeò tï begin. 4® Telì YOUÒ COMPUTEÒ thaô yoõ wanô iô tï SENÄ á file® Thió usuallù involveó somå commandó whicè includå thå filå namå anä maybå thå typå oæ protocoì (Xmodem© thaô wilì bå used® Again¬ thå exacô forí oæ thå commanä wilì bå founä iî youò documentation. 5® Youò computeò wilì theî trù tï finä thå file® Iô iô does¬ iô startó waitinç foò ROÓ tï saù it'ó readù tï receive. WHAT¿ ROÓ alreadù saiä iô waó ready¬ right¿ Partially® ROÓ tolä YOÕ iô waó ready¬  buô  whilå  yoõ werå tellinç youò machinå tï senä  á  file¬  ROÓ  waó countinç  tï  itself®  Abouô ´ secondó afteò ROÓ telló yoõ iô ió  ready¬  iô startó  sendinç á codå thaô youò computeò wilì interpreô aó á  readù  signal® ROÓ wilì senä thió codå severaì timeó beforå iô finallù giveó up. Š6® Wheî youò computeò detectó thaô ROÓ ió ready¬ iô startó sendinç thå file. 7® Wheî thå transfeò ió complete¬ ROÓ wilì asë foò á shorô descriptioî oæ thå filå yoõ senô foò thå benefiô oæ otheò users® That'ó wherå thå informatioî iî thå ewiî functioî comeó from. Whilå thå termó "upload¢ anä "download¢ aren'ô usuallù useä iî ROS¬ theù corresponä tï eceivå anä enä respectively¬  i.e® "upload¢ meanó tï senä á filå froí á remotå systeí tï á hosô (froí yoõ tï ROS¬ sï ROÓ ió receiving)¬ anä  "download¢ meanó tï senä á filå froí á hosô tï á remotå systeí (froí ROÓ tï you¬ sï ROÓ ió sending)® Iî botè cases¬ ROÓ ió actinç aó thå hosô system. Foò  thoså  interesteä iî thå technicaì aspectó oæ thå  erroò  checking¬ I'lì jusô saù thaô ROÓ wilì automaticallù detecô cycliã redundancù codå (CRC© oò checksuí modeó durinç senä operationó (aó requesteä bù youò machine)¬  anä thaô durinç receivå operations¬ ROÓ wilì trù botè modeó untiì somethinç workó oò iô timeó ouô (preferencå ió giveî tï CRà foò accuracy). :Ï - printeä aô "O¢ request -=*=- -=*=- -Û Remotå Computeò Systemó iî thå Albuquerquå Areá ]- -=*=- -=*=- Name Baud Number Sysop Hours System -------------- ------- -------- -------------- -------------- --------------- ABQ Kaypro 3/12 291-0418 Marion Wilde 24 hr RCP/M ABQ PCjr Fido 3/12 898-2116 Adam Hudson 24 hr Fido ABQ RBBS-PC 3/12/24 296-7672 John Maio 24 hr RBBS-PC ABQ ROS 3/12/24 299-5974 Steve Fox 24 hr ROS ALPUG BBS 3/12 821-6119 Nate Crain 24 hr RBBS-PC Academy BBS 3 296-4887 Brian Langdon 8pm-10am Hal BBS Applequerque 3 266-7294 Marty Lavens 24 hr Apple BadStreet BBS 3 294-8581 ? 7pm-12am S-S GBBS ][ CBM BBS 3/12 822-1159 Bo Farley 24 hr Punter COMPU-TIP 3 883-4116 ? 24 hr Hal BBS CoCo BBS 3 255-1134 ? Nights only CoBBS Datacom BBS 3 265-1445 ? 9pm-6am ? Dial-Your-Mtch 3 869-3546 John Jorgensen 24 hr DYM #133 Githinji's Xch 3 262-1786 Githinji G. 6pm-4pm Hal BBS Global Village 3/12 296-1325 ? 7pm-7am S-S PC Infosystem ? 898-2116 ? 9pm-3pm ? Megasoft BBS 3 293-1412 ? 4pm-7:30am M-F ? NELT 3 294-3922 Drew Reidle 24 hr TRS NM DEC-PC RCPM 3/12 831-0205 Eloy Gonzales 24 hr ROS Nat'l Sinclair 3 884-2689 ? 24 hr RBBS-PC Online Albq. 3/12 298-8615 Greg Sinkey 24 hr Apple PAL BBS 3 869-6820 ? Days only C-64 Exchange Red Dragon BBS 3 265-2665 ? 10pm-7am Hal BBS Sanyo FidoNet 3/12 822-8268 ? 10pm-10am Fido TBC BBS 3/12/24 821-7379 Dave Staehlin 24 hr RBBS-PC Iæ yoõ havå anù informatioî concerninç theså oò otheò systems¬ pleaså leavå á messagå tï SYSOP. -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- :A - printed when name not found Iæ  yoõ arå aî olä user¬  yoõ maù answeò "N¢ tï thå followinç questioî tï trù again® Iæ iô haó beeî somå timå sincå yoõ lasô loggeä in¬ youò namå maù havå beeî  purgeä froí thå activå useò list¬  anä yoõ wilì havå tï logiî aó á  ne÷ Šuser. Iæ yoõ arå á ne÷ user¬ pleaså answeò "Y"® Thå systeí wilì prompô yoõ foò thå citù  anä  statå yoõ arå callinç froí anä foò á passworä (oæ  youò  choice)® Pleaså uså thå twï letteò symboì foò thå state¬ foò exampleº Albuquerque¬ NM. Iæ  yoõ  starteä youò logiî procesó witè á "handle"¬  pleaså answeò  "N¢  anä logiî agaiî witè youò reaì name®  Thió wilì makå iô mucè easieò foò  friendó anä associateó tï senä yoõ messages. :Ä - printeä foò unvalidateä users Pleaså  remembeò  tï enteò thå followinç informatioî whicè wilì  bå  STRICTLÙ privatå  anä  wilì  noô  bå useä foò anù purposå otheò  thaî  validatioî  (nï mailinç listó oò thå like): Name Address Phone number Intended use of this system :É - printeä tï ne÷ useró anä oî "I" request -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=[ New User Information ]=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- Please take the time to read the following carefully: Thå  Albuquerquå ROÓ ió availablå 2´ houró peò day¬  primarilù foò  computeró usinç CP/M-80¬  MSDOS¬ oò PCDOS¬ buô otheró arå welcome® Approximatelù 2¸ M- byteó oæ storagå arå availablå on-linå foò messageó anä files. Á   Courieò  240°  modeí  froí  U.S®   Roboticó  automaticallù  detectó   thå transmissioî ratå oæ 300¬ 1200¬ oò 240° bpó aô answer. Thió  Remotå  Operatinç  Systeí (ROS© waó writteî bù Stevå  Foø  usinç  Turbï Pascaì  (froí  Borlanä  International© witè B«  treå  indexeä  filå  support® Accesó tï thå operatinç systeí ió noô necessarù foò filå transfer¬ sincå thió ió builô intï thå systeí (seå thå Filå Transfeò Systeí menu)® Á user'ó guidå tï ROÓ ió availablå iî thå LOGIÎ filå area®  Thió file¬  ROSUSR.DQC¬  maù bå eitheò  typeä oò downloadeä usinç Xmodeí protocol®  Iæ yoõ havå noô useä ROÓ before¬  pleaså  takå thå timå tï looë aô thió filå - manù differenceó  exisô betweeî ROÓ anä oldeò RBBS's. Unvalidateä  useró wilì onlù bå alloweä 2° minuteó peò call®  Thió shoulä bå enougè timå tï geô familiaò witè thå systeí anä determinå whetheò oò noô  yoõ wisè  tï  becomå á fullù validateä user®  Nï chargeó arå eveò madå foò  thió system¬  noò  arå donationó eveî encouraged¬  buô becauså attemptó havå  beeî madå  tï uså thå systeí improperly¬  REGISTRATIOÎ WILÌ BÅ REQUIREÄ  FOÒ  FULÌ ACCESS® Untiì thió ió done¬ ALÌ messageó wilì bå routeä tï thå sysoð anä thå numbeò  oæ  fileó thaô caî bå accesseä wilì bå severelù restricteä (onlù  thå LOGIÎ filå areá wilì bå available). Pleaså enteò á messagå tï "SYSOP¢ (yoõ maù dï thió durinç thå logouô process© whicè  containó youò name¬  address¬  phonå number¬  anä youò intendeä uså oæ thió system®  Thió informatioî wilì bå STRICTLÙ privatå anä wilì noô bå useä foò anù purposå otheò thaî validatioî whicè ió normallù donå iî 4¸ hours. É  apologizå foò anù inconveniencå theså restrictionó mighô  causå  you¬  buô Šlikå lockó oî doors¬ iô ió necessarù becauså oæ thå fe÷ individualó thaô havå abuseä thå system. Thå firsô numbeò iî eacè systeí prompô indicateó thå amounô oæ timå availablå untiì  thå systeí wilì automaticallù loç yoõ out®  Allo÷ á couplå oæ minuteó tï enteò youò validatioî message. -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- :P - printed for forgetful users Sincå yoõ havå exceedeä thå numbeò oæ attemptó alloweä tï enteò youò passworä correctly¬  yoõ wilì bå giveî thå opportunitù tï leavå á messagå anä theî thå systeí wilì disconnect® Iæ yoõ arå local¬ leavå youò phonå numbeò anä É wilì trù tï geô iî toucè witè you. :M - Message system menu Albuquerque ROS - Message System Menu ======= Functions ======== ==== Bulletins ===== ==== Other Menus ===== nswer last message read ulletin ile Transfer System hange message area <1> Turbo User Group tilities System nter a message <2¾ ROS nformation for new users <3> What's an Xmodem Anyway? ther systems list uick-scan messages ead messages can messages oodbye (logoff) :F - File transfer system menu Albuquerque ROS - File Transfer System Menu ==================== Functions ===================== === Other Menus === hange file area ibrary entry/exit essage System irectory of files ewin list tilities System ilesize display eceive file using Xmodem protocol (you --> ROS) end file using Xmodem protocol (ROS --> you) ype ASCII or squeezed file (Xon/Xoff supported) oodbye (logoff) :U - Utility system menu Albuquerque ROS - Utility System Menu ================== Functions ================== ==== Other Menus ===== lter user parameters ime and date ile Transfer System hat with sysop ser list essage System tatistics oodbye (logoff) :C - Change user parameter help Alter User Parameter Menu ell after prompt on/off ines per page

assword change Šharacters per line ulls sent after C/R hift lock elp level set (0-3) All parameters will be retained from one call to the next. :X - sysop function menu Albuquerque ROS - Sysop System Menu ================== Functions =================== ==== Other Menus ===== udit trail toggle Macro operations ile Transfer System elete user

urge files essage System dit user ead messages tilities System ndex rebuild ystem directory og file list oggle printer ewin file processing alidate user tended commands oodbye (logoff) :E - Message entry help =½ Messagå Entrù Commandó =½ =============½ Editinç controló ============== ontinue message entry Backspace Delete previous character dit a selected line RUB (DEL) Delete previous character ist current message TAB Space to next multiple of 5 column ave message to disk RETURN Complete line entry uit message entry CTRL-X Delete line to left of cursor (does NOT save message) CTRL-A Move cursor to beginning of line CTRL-S Move cursor one character left CTRL-D Move cursor one character right CTRL-F Update line and move cursor to end CTRL-Ç Deletå characteò aô cursoò position Foò speed¬ thå ediô linå ió noô visiblù updateä untiì requesteä bù CTRL-F. -- End-of-file --