; ; Version identification ; VERS EQU 1 ; Release MODLEV EQU 5 ; Major modification level REV EQU 0 ; Minor revision number VMONTH EQU 09 ; Version month VDAY EQU 29 ; Version day VYEAR EQU 88 ; Version year ; ;========================================================================== ; NO EQU 0 YES EQU 0FFH ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Define ASCII characters used ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOH EQU 1 ; ^A - start of header STX EQU 2 ; ^B - start of 1k header CTRLC EQU 3 ; ^C - abort/break character EOT EQU 4 ; ^D - end of transmission ACK EQU 6 ; ^F - acknowledge BELL EQU 7 ; ^G - bell BS EQU 8 ; ^H - backspace TAB EQU 9 ; ^I - horizontal tab LF EQU 10 ; ^J - line feed CTRLK EQU 11 ; ^K - abort character CR EQU 13 ; ^M - carriage return PAUSE EQU 19 ; ^S - pause request NAK EQU 21 ; ^U - negative acknowledge CANCEL EQU 24 ; ^X - cancel EOF EQU 26 ; ^Z - end of file CRC EQU 67 ; C - CRC request character KSND EQU 75 ; K - 1k block request character DEL EQU 127 ; Delete/Rubout ; ; ; Define standard CP/M BDOS equates ; DIRCON EQU 6 ; Direct console output PRINT EQU 9 ; Print string function GETVER EQU 12 ; Get CP/M version SELDSK EQU 14 ; Select drive OPEN EQU 15 ; Open file CLOSE EQU 16 ; Close file SRCHF EQU 17 ; Search for first occurence SRCHN EQU 18 ; Search for next occurence DELETE EQU 19 ; Delete file READ EQU 20 ; Read record WRITE EQU 21 ; Write record MAKE EQU 22 ; Make new file RENAME EQU 23 ; Rename a file CURDRV EQU 25 ; Get current drive SETDMA EQU 26 ; Set DMA SETUSR EQU 32 ; Set user area to receive file RRDM EQU 33 ; Read random WRDM EQU 34 ; Write random FILSIZ EQU 35 ; Compute file size SETRRD EQU 36 ; Set random record BDOS EQU 0005H ; Address for BDOS jump vectors TBUF EQU 0080H ; Default DMA address FCB EQU 005CH ; System FCB FCB1 EQU 006CH ; Secondary FCB area FCBEXT EQU FCB+12 ; File extent FCBRNO EQU FCB+32 ; Record number RANDOM EQU FCB+33 ; Random record field RLEN EQU 128 ; Record length ITEMSZ EQU 16 ; Number of data bytes in each filename entry ; ; TAGFIL EQU 7 DWNTAG EQU 6 NOSYS EQU 5 NOLBS EQU 4 NOCOMS EQU 3 NOCOMR EQU 2 RESERV1 EQU 1 ZCPR EQU 0 ; ; ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------