XFRTIMES Version 1.01 by Thomas L. Ensminger FILES: XFRTIME.BAS XFRTIME.COM XFRTABLE.BAS XFRTABLE.COM 1200XFR.TX# 300XFR.TX# XFRTIME allows the user a quick estimate of transfer time without calling up KMD or XMODEM and then cancelling out because it takes too long. Also allows choice of baud rate so maybe they'll see the advantage of a higher baud modem! The data necessary for the TX# files can be derived from XFRTABLE or from the KMD.LOG. The algorithms are not precise but then neither is the data! I run a private system and all my users are 1200 baud callers so XMSTATS is my source of info. XFRTABLE is independent of baud rate - you can just multiply 1200 baud time by 4 to get 300 times or divide by 2 if you want to add a 2400XFR.TX#. I admit to being a sloppy BASIC code writer and I'm sure the source can be improved so it is included for your alteration/modification/mutilation. In the future I'll attempt to generate the TX# tables from XFRTABLE itself and eliminate the necessity of hand alterations to them. Please note that times will change as your user base changes, acquires more long distance callers, or as your software changes. Most of my callers are local and times are fairly consistent from k to k. However, I uploaded the same 10k file 5 times for a test over bad lines and had a variation of + or - 30 seconds. Over the long run (100 meg or so), you can expect fairly stable averages. Standard Hours? I just like them better! USAGE: I tag the TX# files as system to avoid directory clutter and prevent TYPING. It's a lot easier to type "300" or "1200" than using TYPE. XFRTABLE is self regulating on maximum file size. However you may not want to waste a lot of paper on 10k increments. Just change the STEP delimiter in the source code. V1.01: No actual source code changes except this note. If the two data files (maybe 3!) are to be kept on one drive and you are running ZCPR or other operating system that will take a command line from different drive location then the two "OPEN blah blah blahs" must be changed to reflect where the data files will be. On my system this is A: so I have added code of "A:1200XFR.TX#" and "A:300XFR.TX#".