Release 7: RBBS 4.1 Edit 02 - Fixed major bug in MAINOP (readmsgs and summsgs) that allowed deleted messages to be displayed under certain circumstances. - Added another new user flag (%) that, like the * flag, does not allow access to CP/M, but also does not allow Enter or Kill in RBBS4 and LOGON. - The G command checks for any typehead and skips the Confirm prompt if there is any in MAINOP. - getname has been changed to take a prompt argument and now displays reasonable prompts instead of a fixed default in LOGON, ENTER, UTILFN, and RBBSFN. - Fixed the default flag for SYSOP's initial entry in UTILFN to "!" instead of "+". (Sorry...) - New RCP/M designated for bug reports. See RBBS4.C. - Sources changed: RBBS4.H, RBBS4, MAINOP, LOGON, ENTER, RBBSFN, and UTILFN. Release 6: RBBS 4.1 Edit 01 - Fixed msgno display in MAINOP (killmsg) - Fixed bug in ENTER (edit_txt). - Added optional use of the SELECT L command while line editing. - Permit personal names to be entered and treated like ALL in non-PERSONAL message files. - Can no longer send mail to yourself. - No file list display if typeahead. - No summary if revisiting a .MSG file. - Added N Command to simulate "R;#+". - UTIL now has continuous cleanup modes for the current .MSG file, and USERS.CCC (for those marked as twits). - Added CR to write of LASTCALR file (in LOGON) - Retained log time if RBBS P was used (in LOGON) - Cosmetic changes in displayed messages in LOGON. - Sources changed: ENTER, MAINOP, RBBS4, UTILFN, and LOGON. - Other files changed: HELP.CCC Release 5: RBBS 4.1 Edit 00 - Changed the two-name fields to one - Keeps track of the first seven non-PERSONAL highest message seen numbers. - The pound-sign (#) may be used where ever a message number is used to indicate the highest message seen plus one in the current message file. - Fixed a bug in UTIL that caused random behavior when cleaning out a message file. - Fixed a bug in RBBSCIO which did not limit check the use of ^D. - The format of the USERS.CCC and summary format of the .MSG files has radically changed to accomodate the first two new features listed above. A new one-shot UTLX program is provided to make the conversions required. (You do not need to use UTLX if this is your first use of RBBS4.) See UTLX.DOC for more details. - Added NOSITE conditional if LASTREAD is TRUE and the site prompt is NOT desired. - Added PERSONLY conditional to build a version that uses PERSONAL.MSG only. - Fixed duplicate user entry problem by closing and reopening USERS.CCC in LOGON (newuser) - now immune to lost carrier which caused the problem! - Fixed similar problem in ENTER (save_draft) Release 4: RBBS 4.0 Edit 21 - Fixed bug in MAINOP.C (gocpm) ************************* - Changed sysop flag to "!" in LOGON.C (logon) * Must recompile both * - Force-truncated names in LOGON.C (getlast) * RBBS4 and UTIL and * - List SUBJECTs across in RBBSFN (displ_subj) * delete or rename * - If no PERSONAL, select GENERAL in RBBS4 (main) * CALLERS.CCC and run * - Confirm USERS.CCC recreation in UTIL (main) * UTIL to create a new * - added bias in CALLERS.CCC to keep caller * CALLERS.CCC with bias * number intact in LOGON (loguser) and UTIL ************************* (chk_user) - Added NEWFLAG in RBBS4.H and LOGON (newuser) - repaired superuser in UTIL.C - modified menu display in UTIL.C (main) Release 3: RBBS 4.0 Edit 20 - Fixed bug in LOGON.C (getlast) Release 2: RBBS 4.0 Edit 19 - Fixed bug in RBBSCIO.C (capstr) Release 1: RBBS 4.0 Edit 18 - First slightly premature public release