/**************************************************************** * LOGON.C Release 7: RBBS 4.1 Edit 02 - Changed getname calls to add prompts. Release 6: RBBS 4.1 Edit 01 - if RBBS P used, keeps original logtime. - also added to LASTCALR file. Release 5: RBBS 4.1 Edit 00 - Names now one large field - Activated lstmsg for 1st 7 non-PERSONALs - Inserted NOSITE into newuser - Inserted PERSONLY in closing - Fixed duplicate user entry problem by closing and reopening USERS.CCC in newuser - now immune to lost carrier which caused the problem! Release 4: RBBS 4.0 Edit 21 - changed sysop flag to "!" in logon - forced-truncated names in getlast - added bias in loguser Release 3: RBBS 4.0 Edit 20 - fixed LASTREAD bug in getlast Release 1: RBBS 4.0 Edit 18 * This file contains the functions: * logon calls getname, checkuser, testpwd, updtuser, and maybe newuser ... in general, logs the user into the program and validates the user. * checkuser checks the entry in USERS.CCC * chkpwd prompts for a new password * testpwd prompts user for login password and checks it * newuser registers a new user * updtuser updates the current user entry in USERS.CCC * loguser makes an entry in CALLERS.CCC * lstuser sysop only - lists CALLERS.CCC in reverse order * welcome calls bufinmsg to display WELCOME.CCC * closing closes session. Called by gocpm and goodbye. Warns if only PERSONAL examined, offers others, and offers to leave msg for sysop. Closes .MSG and USERS.CCC ****************************************************************/ #include #include "rbbs4.h" /****************************************************************/ logon(fd,u) /* Logon gets the callers name */ /* pwd and checks the users file */ /* If the user is a new user, it gets */ /* add'l info & adds to the user file. */ /* It sets the user struct. */ int fd; struct _user *u; { int valid_user, i; int *p; char name[NAMELGTH+1]; valid_user = FALSE; i = 0; p = 0x59; #if DATETIME get_date(); strcpy(logdate,sysdate); #endif do { u->recno = 0; #if LASTREAD rtnok = getlast(u,fd,name); #endif if (!rtnok) while ( (getname(name,"Enter your name: ")) ) crlf(1); else u->recno = *p; if (checkuser(fd,name,u,u->recno)) { if (*(u->ustat) == '#') { bufinmsg("TWITMSG"); hexit(); } belflg = u->bellflag; expert = u->xpert; if (!rtnok) testpwd(u); if ( (!strcmp(u->nm,"SYSOP")) || (*(u->ustat) == '!')) sysop = TRUE; sprintf(tmpstr,"Hello again, %s!!",u->nm); outstr(tmpstr,2); sprintf(tmpstr,"Last logon: %s",u->lastlog); outstr(tmpstr,1); sprintf(tmpstr,"This logon: %s",logdate); outstr(tmpstr,1); strcpy(u->lastlog,logdate); if (!rtnok) strcpy(u->lastlog,logdate); else strcpy(logdate,u->lastlog); updtuser(u,fd); valid_user = TRUE; } else { #if !PREREG valid_user = newuser(u,name,fd); #endif if (++i > 2) flushcaller(); else crlf(1); } } while (!valid_user); } /****************************************************************/ checkuser(fd,name,u,n) /*Checks the user file & exits */ int fd,n; /* TRUE if a valid user after */ char *name; /* loading a user structure */ struct _user *u; { int ndx,m; formrec(tmpstr,SECSIZ); readrec(fd,0,tmpstr,1); sscanf(tmpstr,"MAX REC: %d",&u->maxno); if ( !(m = n) ) ++m; for (ndx = m; ndx <= u->maxno; ndx++) { formrec(tmpstr,SECSIZ); readrec(fd,ndx,tmpstr,1); sscanf(tmpstr+NM,"%s",u->nm); /* NM: */ capstr(u->nm); if( n || !strcmp(name,u->nm) ) { u->recno = ndx; sscanf(tmpstr+PRV,"%s",u->ustat); /* PRV: */ sscanf(tmpstr+UBL,"%d",&u->bellflag); /* UBL: */ sscanf(tmpstr+UXP,"%d",&u->xpert); /* UXP: */ sscanf(tmpstr+PWD,"%s",u->pwd); /* PWD: */ sscanf(tmpstr+LLG,"%s",u->lastlog); /* LLG: */ sscanf(tmpstr+FRM,"%s",u->from); /* FRM: */ sscanf(tmpstr+LMG0,"%d",&u->lstmsg[0]); /* LMG0:*/ sscanf(tmpstr+LMG1,"%d",&u->lstmsg[1]); /* LMG1:*/ sscanf(tmpstr+LMG2,"%d",&u->lstmsg[2]); /* LMG2:*/ sscanf(tmpstr+LMG3,"%d",&u->lstmsg[3]); /* LMG3:*/ sscanf(tmpstr+LMG4,"%d",&u->lstmsg[4]); /* LMG4:*/ sscanf(tmpstr+LMG5,"%d",&u->lstmsg[5]); /* LMG5:*/ sscanf(tmpstr+LMG6,"%d",&u->lstmsg[6]); /* LMG6:*/ return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /****************************************************************/ chkpwd(n) /* Gets a new password and returns it */ char *n; { int flag; char check[7]; #if PWCASE outstr("WARNING: Case of password characters is significant!",2); #endif do { outstr("Enter new password <6 chars>: ",4); do { cflg = 2; instr("",n,6); } while (!*n); outstr("Enter the new password again: ",3); do { cflg = 2; instr("",check,6); } while (!*check); #if !PWCASE upstr(n); upstr(check); #endif if (flag = strcmp(n,check)) outstr("No match. Try again.",3); crlf(1); } while (flag); } /****************************************************************/ testpwd(u) /* Permits up to 3 tries at entering */ struct _user *u; /* password, then exits */ { int i; char input[7]; setmem(sav,SECSIZ,0); for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++) { outstr("Password: ",4); cflg = 2; instr("",input,6); #if !PWCASE upstr(input); #endif if (!strcmp(input,u->pwd)) { outstr(" [OK]",1); return; } sprintf(tmpstr," WRONG!, %d tr%s left",2-i,(i==1)?"y":"ies"); outstr(tmpstr,0); } flushcaller(); } /****************************************************************/ flushcaller() { crlf(1); outstr("SORRY, TOO MANY FAILURES! GOODBYE",2); hexit(); /* Hangup */ } /****************************************************************/ #if !PREREG newuser(u,name,fd) /*DOUBLE CHECKS NEW USER & GETS */ struct _user *u; /*INFO TO ADD NEW USER. ADDS */ char *name; /*NEW USER TO FILE. DOES NOT */ int fd; /*CLOSE USER FILE */ { int userstatus; int correct; char place[SITELGTH]; char passwd[7]; #if LOCKEM char temp[SECSIZ]; #endif correct = FALSE; #if !LASTREAD sprintf(tmpstr,"!!WELCOME %s!!",name); outstr(tmpstr,2); crlf(1); userstatus = getyn("Is the name correct"); if (!userstatus) return(FALSE); #endif #if NOSITE && LASTREAD strcpy(place," "); #else do { sprintf(tmpstr,"Enter your %s: ",SITEPROMPT); outstr(tmpstr,4); instr("",place,SITELGTH); capstr(place); crlf(1); sprintf(tmpstr,"Is the name, %s, correct",place); correct = getyn(tmpstr); }while(!correct); #endif #if LASTREAD strcpy(passwd,"123456"); #else chkpwd(passwd); #endif welcome(); formrec(tmpstr,SECSIZ); sprintf(tmpstr+NM,"%s",name); /* NM: */ sprintf(tmpstr+PRV,"%c%c",NEWFLAG,0); /* PRV: */ sprintf(tmpstr+UBL,"%1d",belflg); /* UBL: */ sprintf(tmpstr+UXP,"%1d",expert); /* UXP: */ sprintf(tmpstr+PWD,"%s",passwd); /* PWD: */ sprintf(tmpstr+LLG,"%s",logdate); /* LLG: */ sprintf(tmpstr+FRM,"%s",place); /* FRM: */ sprintf(tmpstr+LMG0,"%03d",0); /* LMG0:*/ sprintf(tmpstr+LMG1,"%03d",0); /* LMG1:*/ sprintf(tmpstr+LMG2,"%03d",0); /* LMG2:*/ sprintf(tmpstr+LMG3,"%03d",0); /* LMG3:*/ sprintf(tmpstr+LMG4,"%03d",0); /* LMG4:*/ sprintf(tmpstr+LMG5,"%03d",0); /* LMG5:*/ sprintf(tmpstr+LMG6,"%03d",0); /* LMG6:*/ #if LOCKEM formrec(temp,SECSIZ); if (lokrec(fd,-1)) ioerr("locking USERS.CCC"); readrec(fd,0,temp,1); sscanf(temp,"MAX REC: %d",&u->maxno); #endif Rriterec(fd,++u->maxno,1,tmpstr); formrec(tmpstr,SECSIZ); sprintf(tmpstr,"MAX REC: %d",u->maxno); Rriterec(fd,0,1,tmpstr); #if LOCKEM frerec(fd,-1); #endif close(fd); fd = openfile(DSK(USERS.CCC)); /* RELOAD THE CURRENT USER TO BE THE NEW USER */ checkuser(fd,name,u,u->maxno); return (TRUE); } #endif /****************************************************************/ updtuser(u,fd) struct _user *u; int fd; { formrec(tmpstr,SECSIZ); sprintf(tmpstr+NM,"%s",u->nm); /* NM: */ sprintf(tmpstr+PRV,"%s",u->ustat); /* PRV: */ sprintf(tmpstr+UBL,"%1d",belflg); /* UBL: */ sprintf(tmpstr+UXP,"%1d",expert); /* UXP: */ sprintf(tmpstr+PWD,"%s",u->pwd); /* PWD: */ sprintf(tmpstr+LLG,"%s",u->lastlog); /* LLG: */ sprintf(tmpstr+FRM,"%s",u->from); /* FRM: */ sprintf(tmpstr+LMG0,"%03d",u->lstmsg[0]); /* LMG0:*/ sprintf(tmpstr+LMG1,"%03d",u->lstmsg[1]); /* LMG1:*/ sprintf(tmpstr+LMG2,"%03d",u->lstmsg[2]); /* LMG2:*/ sprintf(tmpstr+LMG3,"%03d",u->lstmsg[3]); /* LMG3:*/ sprintf(tmpstr+LMG4,"%03d",u->lstmsg[4]); /* LMG4:*/ sprintf(tmpstr+LMG5,"%03d",u->lstmsg[5]); /* LMG5:*/ sprintf(tmpstr+LMG6,"%03d",u->lstmsg[6]); /* LMG6:*/ Rriterec(fd,u->recno,1,tmpstr); } /****************************************************************/ loguser(u) /* LOG LAST CALLER TO CALLER FILE */ struct _user *u; { int fd,ct,maxct,bias; int *p; char fname[NAMELGTH+1]; char lname[NAMELGTH+1]; p = 0x59; fd = openfile(DSK(CALLERS.CCC)); #if LOCKEM if (lokrec(fd,-1)) ioerr("locking USERS.CCC"); #endif readrec(fd,0,tmpstr,1); sscanf(tmpstr,"MAX CALR: %d %d",&maxct,&bias); ct = (maxct%2)*(SECSIZ/2); readrec(fd,(maxct/2)+1,tmpstr,1); formrec(tmpstr+ct,SECSIZ/2); sprintf(tmpstr+ct," %s",sysdate); sprintf(tmpstr+ct+32,":%s",u->nm); /* If 1st rec in blk, clear the balance of block */ if (!ct) formrec(tmpstr+SECSIZ/2,SECSIZ/2); Rriterec(fd,(maxct/2)+1,1,tmpstr); formrec(tmpstr,SECSIZ); sprintf(tmpstr,"MAX CALR: %d %d",++maxct,bias); Rriterec(fd,0,1,tmpstr); #if LOCKEM frerec(fd,-1); #endif close(fd); *p = u->recno; sprintf(tmpstr,"You are caller #%d",maxct+bias); outstr(tmpstr,3); #if LASTWRITE if ( (fd = open(LASTW,2)) == ERROR) if ( (fd = creat(LASTW)) == ERROR) ioerr("Cannot create LASTCALR"); formrec(tmpstr,SECSIZ); if ( (index(u->nm," ")) != ERROR) sscanf(u->nm,"%s %s",fname,lname); else { strcpy(fname,u->nm); *lname = 0; } sprintf(tmpstr,"%s,%s,%s\r\n%c",fname,lname,logdate,CPMEOF); Rriterec(fd,0,1,tmpstr); close(fd); #endif } /****************************************************************/ lstuser() /* LIST CALLER FILE IN REVERSE SEQ */ { int i,fd,maxct; char rec[SECSIZ]; fd = openfile(DSK(CALLERS.CCC));/* Opening for read only (0) */ readrec(fd,0,rec,1); sscanf(rec,"MAX CALR: %d",&maxct); sprintf(tmpstr,"Max Count: %d",maxct); outstr(tmpstr,1); readrec(fd,(maxct/2)+1,rec,1); if (*(rec+64+1) != ' ') sprintf(tmpstr,"%s %s\r\n%s %s",rec+64,rec+96,rec,rec+32); else sprintf(tmpstr,"%s %s",rec,rec+32); if (*(rec+SECSIZ-2) == 0x0d) outstr(tmpstr,1); for ( i = maxct-2; i > 0; i -= 2) { readrec(fd,(i/2)+1,rec,1); sprintf(tmpstr,"%s %s\r\n%s %s",rec+64,rec+96,rec,rec+32); outstr(tmpstr,1); if(!(i%11)) if(!getyn("More")) i = 0; } close(fd); } /****************************************************************/ welcome() { bufinmsg("WELCOME"); } /***************************************************************/ closing(fd,ufd,u,s) int fd,ufd; struct _user *u; struct _sum *s; { crlf(1); #if !PERSONLY if ( (!fileflag) && (!expert) ) { if (!getyn("Just checking PERSONAL mail")) return fd; } #endif if ( (!expert) && (!sysop) ) { if(!getyn("SKIP leaving a msg for the SYSOP")) { if (close(fd) == ERROR) ioerr("Closing MSG file"); fd = select_MSG(fd,1,u,s); entermsg(fd,ufd,u,s,TRUE); } crlf(1); } updtuser(u,ufd); if (close(fd) == ERROR) ioerr("Closing MSG file"); if (close(ufd) == ERROR) ioerr("Closing USER file"); return FALSE; } /***************************************************************/ #if LASTREAD getlast(u,fd,name) struct _user *u; int fd; char name[NAMELGTH+1]; { int lfd; int *p; char fname[NAMELGTH+1]; char lname[NAMELGTH+1]; char dummy[2*NAMELGTH+1]; p = 0x59; if ( (lfd = open(LASTR,0)) == ERROR) return FALSE; readrec(lfd,0,tmpstr,1); if (*tmpstr == '~') return FALSE; if ( (index(tmpstr,",")) != ERROR) { sscanf(tmpstr,"%s,%s,",fname,lname); sprintf(dummy,"%s %s",fname,lname); *(dummy+NAMELGTH+1) = 0; strcpy(name,dummy); capstr(name); } else return FALSE; *p = 0; if (checkuser(fd,name,u,0)) *p = u->recno; return TRUE; } #endif /***************************************************************/