Addenda to PUBLIC Article in DDJ 11/18/84 Since the publication of the article, a minor bug in the PUBLIC.ASM file has been drawn to our attention. This causes it to refuse to make files larger than 512K PUBlic. The correction is noted in the source code contained on this disk. To use the relocater contained on this disk, simply run the following:- RELPUBLC and you will be prompted to give the address of the start of your BIOS. You can find this address simply by running DDT and inspecting location zero. e.g. DDT d0,F the address formed by location 0002 and 0001 points to the warrm boot jump which is at BIOS+3. The number you should enter to the relocator is location 0002 followed by two zeros. (i.e. if you get the following display from DDT 0000 C3 03 EA .. .. .. .. etc then you would enter EA00 to the relocator.) The relocator will produce a file called PUBPATCH.HEX which is a standard Intel format hex file which can be merged with your copy of CP/M in the manner described in the article. Note that numbers larger than 0FFFFH wrap, so for the above system with the BIOS at 0EA00H the offset would be 3580H. CCPBASE_MEMORY = 0EA00H - 01600H = 0D400H CCPBASE_IMAGE = 00980H 0D400H+03580H = 0980H (after wrapping)