PROGRAM tester(input, output); (* testing string package. *) (*$i'strings.dec' (may need extra operations here on other systems) *) VAR stest, ssub : string; s : ARRAY[1..4] OF string; i, j, v : integer; ch : char; 01000000(*$i'' line number control *) 08015000 FUNCTION getreply : char; (* 1 char from console, and flush line *) BEGIN (* getreply *) getreply := input^; readln; (* coded for ISO std file system *) END; (* getreply *) (* 1---------------1 *) { PROCEDURE prompt; } (* uncomment this for systems that do not buffer output, and *) (* that do not have the prompt procedure. If the system buffers *) (* output you must install code to force flushing the buffer to *) (* the console, without any final or . *) { BEGIN (* prompt *) } { END; (* prompt *) } (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE showstrings(max : integer); VAR i : integer; BEGIN (* showstrings *) FOR i := 1 TO max DO BEGIN write(i : 1, '(', length(s[i]) : 2, ') "'); writestring(output, s[i]); writeln('"'); END; END; (* showstrings *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE showrelation(i, j : integer); BEGIN (* showrelation *) write(i : 1); IF s[i] > s[j] THEN write(' > ') ELSE IF s[i] < s[j] THEN write(' < ') ELSE IF s[i] = s[j] THEN write(' = ') ELSE write(' BUG '); writeln(j : 1); END; (* showrelation *) (* 1---------------1 *) BEGIN (* test *) REPEAT (* Showing a method (non-standard) of initializing strings *) (* Unfortunately this requires counting string characters *) (* and use of the s- option to enable the substring op. *) (*$s-*) s[4, 1 FOR 18] := 'Initialized string'; s[4, 19] := eos; (*$s+ 1234567890123456789 DON'T FORGET EOS *) FOR i := 1 TO 3 DO BEGIN write('Enter string[', i:1, ']:'); prompt; readlnstring(input, s[i]); END; writeln; showstrings(4); writeln; writeln('Trailing blanks removed'); FOR i := 1 TO 3 DO stringdeblank(s[i]); showstrings(3); writeln; writeln('In a field of 60 chars'); FOR i := 1 TO 3 DO BEGIN write('"'); wrtfldstring(output, s[i], 60); writeln('"'); END; write(' '); FOR i := 1 TO 60 DO write(i MOD 10 : 1); writeln; write(' to continue'); prompt; readln; stringextend(s[1], ' ', false); stringextend(s[2], ' ', false); concat(s[1], s[2], s[4]); concat(s[4], s[3], s[4]); writeln; writeln('Single blanks at end, concatenated'); showstrings(4); writeln; writeln('Substring at 4 for 8 chars'); FOR i := 1 TO 3 DO BEGIN substring(s[i], 4, 8, stest); write(i : 1, '(', length(stest) : 2, ') "'); writestring(output, stest); writeln('"'); END; writeln; writeln('String relationships'); substring(s[1], 1, 8, s[4]); FOR i := 1 TO 4 DO stringclean(s[i]); (* needed for relation *) showstrings(4); FOR i := 1 TO 3 DO FOR j := succ(i) TO 4 DO showrelation(i, j); write(' to continue'); prompt; readln; writeln; write('Enter string to search for ='); prompt; readlnstring(input, ssub); FOR i := 1 TO 3 DO BEGIN j := stringfind(ssub, s[i], 1); IF j > 0 THEN BEGIN wrtfldstring(output, s[i], succ(length(s[i]))); writeln; writeln(' ' : j, '^'); REPEAT j := stringfind(ssub, s[i], succ(j)); IF j > 0 THEN writeln(' ' : j, '^'); UNTIL j = 0; END ELSE writeln('Not found in string', i : 2); END; writeln; writeln('Upshifting strings'); FOR i := 1 TO 4 DO stringupshift(s[i]); showstrings(4); writeln; writeln('Numeric values of strings'); FOR i := 1 TO 4 DO BEGIN write(i : 1); IF stoi(s[i], 1, v) = 0 THEN write(' has no value') ELSE write(' = ', v : 1); writeln; END; write('Again (y/n) ? '); prompt; UNTIL NOT (getreply IN ['Y', 'y']); END. (* test *)