If using PascalP version 3.1.9 up, READ(f, string), LENGTH(string) standard procedures may be used in place of READSTRING and LENGTH in this package. Similarly you may use READLN(f, string). These standard procedures also all use the default input file when the file specification is omitted. The new READ function is slightly different from READSTRING in that it stops reading when the string is full, or on eoln, whichever comes first. This allows a long line to be read into multiple strings. If you want to flush the line remnant use READLN. In addition you do not supply the maxstring parameter. Simply delete the READSTRING and LENGTH procedures from STRINGS.INC file if you have version 3.1.9 up. Make suitable modifications in the TEST program. Note that 3.1.9 will also accept this package unchanged. 3.1.9 also provides STRINGCP(VAR s1, s2 : string) : integer; function, which compares strings. It returns -1, 0, +1 for s1 >, =, < s2., and thus makes the STRINGCLEAN function in this package unnecessary. I am not altering this package so that it will continue to function on earlier versions, and on Standard Pascal systems. I have however crunched the members of this library. The PascalP 3.1.9 manual gives a further explanation of the added string functions. C.B. Falconer (86/02/12)