{ Grogono had following 7 CONSTs as include file "CONSTS.PAS" } NUL = 0; { ASCII null character } TAB = 9; { ASCII tab character } FF = 12; { ASCII formfeed character } CR = 13; { ASCII carriage return } ESC = 27; { ASCII escape character } blank = ' '; maxbyte = 255; { Largest value of 1 byte variable } maxsymbolsize = 80; maxstacksize = 100; maxkeylength = 9; { The longest keyword is PROCEDURE } maxlinesize = 90; { Maximum length of output line } indent = 2; { Indentation step size for structured statements } upcasekeywords=TRUE; { If all keywords are to be capitalized } extin = '.PAS'; extout = '.PPP'; casediff = 32; { ord('a') - ord('A') }