PROGRAM plotprofile(profdata, outfile, output); (* ******************************************************** *) (* Plots a histogram from "profdata", which was saved via *) (* "dumprofile" routine of "profiler" subsystem. Note that *) (* profile can be of machine language operation. *) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 1981, 1983 by: *) (* *) (* C.B. Falconer, (203) 785-2447 *) (* Yale School of Medicine, *) (* Room 6016CB, *) (* 789 Howard Ave., *) (* New Haven, Conn. 06504. *) (* ******************************************************** *) (* 1.2 84/11/02 fix for terminals that cannot handle 80 char *) (* lines without extra linefeeds. cbf *) CONST version = '1.2'; firstxcolumn = 8; (* first used for actual plot *) screenwidth = 80; widthless1 = 79; (* lousy terminals that linefeed at 80 *) screenlines = 24; TYPE lineimage = PACKED ARRAY[1..screenwidth] OF char; screenimage = ARRAY[1..screenlines] OF lineimage; yarray = ARRAY[firstxcolumn..screenwidth] OF integer; fntype = PACKED ARRAY[1..28] OF char; dltype = PACKED ARRAY[1..15] OF char; VAR xfirst, xstep, xsqueeze, events, minline, maxline, maxcount : integer; (* data limits *) yvalues : yarray; r : real; i : integer; profdata, (* the stored data *) outfile : text; (* the histogram *) fn : fntype; (* the data file name *) dl : dltype; (* current time/date *) (* 1---------------1 *) (*$i'' *) PROCEDURE skipblanks(VAR f : text); (* skips blanks and eolns until first non-blank char *) BEGIN (* skipblanks *) WHILE (f^ = ' ') AND NOT eof(f) DO get(f); END; (* skipblanks *) (* 1---------------1 *) FUNCTION getpair(VAR f : text; VAR x,y : integer) : boolean; (* returns true if error in input data of form "x: y " *) BEGIN (* getpair *) getpair := true; (* default failure *) IF NOT readx(f, x) THEN (* ok so far *) IF f^ = ':' THEN BEGIN get(f); IF NOT readx(f, y) THEN IF f^ = ' ' THEN BEGIN skipblanks(f); getpair := false; END; END; END; (* getpair *) (* 1---------------1 *) FUNCTION xlimitscan(VAR profdata : text; VAR minx, maxx : integer) : boolean; (* returns true if input data satisfactory *) LABEL 1; VAR thisx, thiscount : integer; BEGIN (* xlimitscan *) IF exists(profdata) THEN BEGIN skipblanks(profdata); xlimitscan := true; maxx := 0; minx := maxint; IF getpair(profdata, thisx, thiscount) OR (thisx > 0) THEN xlimitscan := false ELSE WHILE NOT eof(profdata) DO BEGIN IF getpair(profdata, thisx, thiscount) THEN BEGIN xlimitscan := false; GOTO 1; END; IF thisx > maxx THEN maxx := thisx; IF thisx < minx THEN minx := thisx; END; END ELSE xlimitscan := false; 1: END; (* xlimitscan *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE yrangescan(VAR profdata : text; xfirst, xstep : integer; VAR yvalues : yarray; VAR ymax, events : integer VAR xsqueeze : integer); (* primarily fills yvalues array with input data *) (* xlimitscan has already validated the input *) VAR xvalue, i, thisy, thissum : integer; junk : boolean; BEGIN (* yrangescan *) FOR i := firstxcolumn TO screenwidth DO yvalues[i] := 0; reset(profdata); skipblanks(profdata); junk := getpair(profdata, xsqueeze, events); (* eventcount line *) ymax := 0; thissum := 0; i := firstxcolumn; WHILE NOT eof(profdata) DO BEGIN junk := getpair(profdata, xvalue, thisy); IF xvalue >= xfirst + xstep THEN BEGIN IF thissum > ymax THEN ymax := thissum; yvalues[i] := thissum; i := succ(i); xfirst := xfirst + xstep; WHILE xvalue >= xfirst + xstep DO BEGIN i := succ(i); xfirst := xfirst + xstep; END; thissum := 0; END; thissum := thissum + thisy; END; yvalues[i] := thissum; IF thissum > ymax THEN ymax := thissum; END; (* yrangescan *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE plot(VAR outfile : text; yvalues : yarray; minline, step, maxcount, events, xsqueeze : integer); VAR maxpercent, i, j, k : integer; screen : screenimage; scale : real; (* 2---------------2 *) PROCEDURE makecoordinates(VAR screen : screenimage; minline, step : integer; maxpercent : integer); VAR i, j, v : integer; s : PACKED ARRAY[1..21] OF CHAR; r, num : real; (* 3---------------3 *) PROCEDURE arhexwrite(VAR a : lineimage; VAR x : integer; maxx : integer; num : real); VAR divd : real; i, dig : integer; BEGIN (* arhexwrite *) IF x + 3 > maxx THEN BEGIN writeln('arhexwrite bounds violation'); terminate; END ELSE BEGIN divd := 4096.0; FOR i := 0 TO 3 DO BEGIN dig := trunc(num/divd); num := num - divd * dig; divd := divd/16.0; IF dig > 9 THEN dig := dig + 7; a[x + i] := chr(dig + ord('0')); END; x := x + 3; END; END; (* arhexwrite *) (* 3---------------3 *) BEGIN (* makecoordinates *) r := 1.0; FOR i := xsqueeze TO -1 DO r := 2.0 * r; FOR i := 1 TO screenwidth DO screen[1,i] := ' '; FOR i := 2 TO screenlines DO screen[i] := screen[1]; FOR i := 0 TO 4 DO BEGIN (* grid and y scale *) v := (4 - i) * maxpercent DIV 4; j := 1; aiwrite(screen[5*i+1], j, screenwidth, v, firstxcolumn-2); FOR j := 1 TO screenwidth DIV 8 DO screen[5*i+1, 8*j] := '+'; END; FOR i := 0 TO pred(screenwidth DIV 8) DO BEGIN j := 8*i+1; IF xsqueeze = 0 THEN aiwrite(screen[22], j, screenwidth, minline, 7) ELSE BEGIN num := r * minline; j := j+3; arhexwrite(screen[22], j, screenwidth, num); END; minline := minline + 8*step; screen[22, j+1] := '^'; END; s := ' PERCENT OF TIME '; FOR i := 1 TO 21 DO screen[i, firstxcolumn-5] := s[i]; END; (* makecoordinates *) (* 2---------------2 *) BEGIN (* plot *) scale := 100.0/events; maxpercent := 40; IF scale * maxcount > 80.0 THEN maxpercent := 100 ELSE IF scale * maxcount > 40.0 THEN maxpercent := 80; IF scale * maxcount < 12.0 THEN maxpercent := 12 ELSE IF scale * maxcount < 20.0 THEN maxpercent := 20; (* maxpercent must be divisible by 4 *) scale := 40.0/maxpercent * scale; makecoordinates(screen, minline, step, maxpercent); FOR i := firstxcolumn TO screenwidth DO BEGIN j := 1 + round(scale * yvalues[i]); IF odd(j) THEN screen[21 - j DIV 2, i] := '-' ELSE screen[21 - j DIV 2, i] := '_'; END; FOR i := 1 TO 22 DO (*$x+,s-*) writeln(outfile, screen[i, 2 FOR widthless1]); (*$x-*) END; (* plot *) (* 1---------------1 *) BEGIN (* plotprofile *) writeln('PLOTPROFILE (profdata, outfile, output) Ver.', version); IF xlimitscan(profdata, minline, maxline) THEN BEGIN filename(profdata, fn); dater(dl); rewrite(outfile); maxcount := succ(8 * ((screenwidth-firstxcolumn) DIV 8)); xstep := round((maxline-minline)/maxcount + 0.5); (* round up *) xfirst := minline; yrangescan(profdata,xfirst,xstep,yvalues,maxcount,events,xsqueeze); writeln(outfile, dl, ' Data file = ', fn); writeln(outfile); write(outfile, 'Profile of '); IF xsqueeze = 0 THEN write(outfile, 'pcode execution, line increment=', xstep:1) ELSE BEGIN r := xstep; FOR i := xsqueeze TO -1 DO r := 2.0 * r; write(outfile, 'machine code execution, '); write(outfile, 'adr. increment(decimal)=', trunc(r):1); END; writeln(outfile); plot(outfile,yvalues,xfirst,xstep,maxcount,events,xsqueeze); END ELSE writeln('Fatal error in input data '); END. (* plotprofile *)