PROGRAM testplot(plotfile, fontfile, input, output); (*$n-,d- no line numbers nor range checking *) CONST fontsize = 2905; twopi = 6.2831853; VAR fontfile, plotfile : text; x, y : integer; degrees : integer; compress, charsize : real; (* 1---------------1 *) 01000000(*$i''*) 00019000 (* 1---------------1 *) FUNCTION getxy(VAR x, y : integer) : boolean; BEGIN (* getxy *) prompt(' (blank separator) =? '); WHILE input^ = ' ' DO get(input); IF eof THEN getxy := false ELSE BEGIN readln(x, y); getxy := true; END; END; (* getxy *) (* 1---------------1 *) BEGIN (* testplot *) writeln('Testplot (plotfile, fontfile)'); plotopen; loadfont(fontfile); writeln('Page size (x,y) is from (0,0) to (', pred(hdots) : 1, ',', pred(vdots) : 1, ')'); prompt('Drawing border line 1'); plotline(true, pred(hdots), 0); prompt(' 2'); plotline(true, pred(hdots), pred(vdots)); prompt(' 3'); plotline(true, 0, pred(vdots)); prompt(' 4'); plotline(true, 0, 0); writeln; charsize := 0.5; degrees := 0; compress := 1; WHILE charsize > 0 DO BEGIN writeln('At ', xnow : 1, ',', ynow : 1); prompt('Charsize (0 exits) =? '); IF NOT eoln THEN read(charsize); readln; IF charsize > 0 THEN BEGIN prompt('Horiz. compression factor =? '); IF NOT eoln THEN read(compress); readln; prompt('Start point x y '); IF getxy(xnow, ynow) THEN BEGIN prompt('Angle (degrees) =? '); IF NOT eoln THEN read(degrees); readln; degrees := degrees MOD 360; END ELSE charsize := 0; END; IF charsize > 0 THEN BEGIN prompt('drawing chars to eoln:'); WHILE NOT eoln DO BEGIN plotchar(input^, xnow, ynow, compress, charsize, degrees * twopi / 360); get(input); END; readln; END; END; writeln('Drawing test lines. Portions off page should be blanked'); writeln; write('Initial x y'); WHILE getxy(x, y) DO BEGIN plotline(false, x, y); write('Terminal x y'); IF getxy(x, y) THEN BEGIN plotline(true, x, y); write('Initial x y'); END; END; writeln(peakloaded : 1, ' (max) storage strips in memory'); writeln('Final position, x = ', xnow : 1, ', y = ', ynow : 1); writeln(dotcount : 1, ' dots, ', doubledots : 1, ' overwrites'); writeln('Writing out plot'); rewrite(plotfile); plotclose(plotfile); END. (* testplot *)