Description of the INITPARM.PAR file: This file appears on drive A: user 0 on a CP/M system. When running under MSDOS, it appears in the current directory, and you must ASSIGN A=C in order for the programs to locate it. This file allows a common program (STARTUP.COM) to be used to start several different applications which may reside on different drives and/or user numbers in CP/M. --------- RECORD 0 --------- bytes 0 - 0fh Terminal-types 16 bytes for consoles 0 - 15 (in MP/M) in CP/M or MSDOS, only the first byte is used These determine which record in the terminal definition file (TERMINAL.DAT) is used for screen operations. word 10h This is a CP/M (zero-relative) record number to the next available application-definition record (see below). bytes 12h - 7fh filler --------------- RECORDS 1 - 16 --------------- Each of these records describes a "logical printer". You may have several (even all) logical printers actually using one physical printer. A logical printer is the combination of physical-printer and the type-font. For example, if you have physical printers 0 and 1, you could have the following logical printers defined: 0 - printer 0, 80-columns on 8-inch paper, 10 CPI 1 - printer 0, 132-columns on 8-inch paper, 17 CPI 2 - printer 0, 80-columns on 8-inch paper, 10 CPI letter qual. 3 - printer 1, 136-columns on 14-inch paper, 10 CPI 4 - printer 1, 233-columns on 14-inch paper, 17 CPI etc. The record layout for the printer-definition records is: bytes 0 - 3fh initialization string to send to printer Note that if the printer ever gets set to compressed print, that the initialization string for normal print must have the codes to end compressed print. byte 40h The physical unit number of the printer. In MSDOS, this is actually the printer number (0 - 15) In CP/M, the IOBYTE is used to select printer (0 - 3) byte 41h The line width (in characters) of the printer Several reports use this to dynamically reconfigure the report for different widths. Also the canned report-heading routine uses this to place the page number at the right-hand side of the page redefine startup.rec; bytes 42h - 61h A text description of the logical printer (up to 31 bytes long), terminated with a byte of zero. bytes 62h - 7fh filler --------------- RECORDS 17 on --------------- bytes 0 - 2 Company identification - When you enter "STARTUP XXX", this is what the XXX is compared against. The first record which matches is used. bytes 3 - 5 Program file filetype. Generally, this is "COM" bytes 6 - 8 Data file filetype. This allows multiple sets of data for one application to reside on the same drive and user number. This allows you to avoid duplication of the program files. bytes 9 - 16 The default program name to execute. Note that you can enter "STARTUP XXX YYYYYYYY" (or STARTUP YYYYYYYY, if you are using XXX=blanks), and this will execute the program YYYYYYYY.COM (or whatever the program filetype is). If you do not specify a program, this is the name which will be used. bytes 17 - 24 The password for this application. This is just a password used to start the application running. The application itself may have a separate password for certain sensitive functions. byte 25 The drive where the program files are located. byte 26 The drive where the data-files are located byte 27 The drive to use for backup operations. byte 28 The drive to use for sort operations. byte 29 The user number for all programs and data files. bytes 30 - 45 Filler bytes 46 - 61 Console permission flags for MP/M consoles 0 - 15 If the corresponding byte is "Y", this application is permitted on this console, otherwise, this console cannot run this application. On CP/M, only the first byte is used. bytes 62 - 127 filler This record is repeated for each application/data-set combination. The STARTUP.COM program will search sequentially through these records when trying to match a company-ID.