P A R A S O L L A N G U A G E M A N U A L Copyright (C) 1982 - 1986 by Para-Soft and Shay O. Walters All rights Reserved Placed in the Public Domain October, 1986 by Shay O. Walters PARASOL is a language I developed myself for my own business use. It has been tailored to provide the features I needed for the applications I have developed over the last several years. Due to the overwhelming popularity of the MS-DOS systems running on the 8086, I feel that there is no longer any need to keep this to myself. Therefore, I am placing this into the public domain so that others may benefit from it. PARASOL is not modeled after any one particular language, but has features derived from COBOL, ALGOL, and PASCAL (and maybe just a touch of BASIC). The individual statements are COBOL-like while the structure of the language more closely follows ALGOL. The language provides many high-level constructs, especially in the area of file record I/O, yet it maintains the closeness to the machine hardware which is so necessary in those difficult situations. You may use PARASOL, or the source code for your own private, non-commercial use without restriction. If you wish to use PARASOL for any profit-making activity, there is a required $25.00 registration fee. Registered users will be informed of other software written in PARASOL which may become available from time to time. Also, registered users get support. If you are a registered user, and have a problem, I can be reached at: Shay Walters / Para-Soft P.O. Box 6273 Columbia, SC 29260-6273 Compuserve [73247,1163] GENIE-MAIL [SHAY] Phone: 803-799-0180 You will get a prompter reply on GENIE than on Compuserve, since I can't afford to spend 2-1/2 times as much to log onto Compuserve as often as I do GENIE.