-CLOCKLB.DOC This library contains code for 3 programs -- OCLOCKRV.ASM, source for Michael M. Rubenstein's OCLOCK.COM, a C profiler; CLOCK.ASM, source for a resident, realtime, software-clock on the Osborne 1; and WHEN.ASM, a program which prints the current date and time and to the screen. Each is extensively commented. Also included are Rubenstein's documentation for OCLOCK.COM and this note. Setting time and date is left to the user. DATTIM.COM, a proprietary program bundled with SuperCalc for the Osborne (and others?), offers one method, but it would be trivial to write a program designed to poke user-designated values for date and time into basepage memory at 010H thru 014H. MONTH, DAY, YEAR, HOURS and MINUTES are each stored, in that order, as a single byte in Binary Coded Decimal format. No separators are stored. Those are provided by WHEN.ASM. CLOCK.ASM is designed to relocate a portion of itself, embedded in the executable code, to free RAM in high memory, and to diddle some vectors so that the clock portion executes (essentially) constantly. Once adapted to your particular system, and executed, CLOCK remains resident until the system is turned off, or cold-booted. I have found it convenient to include it in among the programs executed by an alias which runs on each cold-boot. Also included in that alias is a routine to ask the user to set date and time. WHEN is a transient, executed at the users request. It could also be made memory resident, executed upon receipt of some escape sequence. As noted elsewhere, CLOCK and WHEN grow out of the hard work of many people, but this note would be inadequate if it failed to explicitly mention the extensive input, insights, and corrections provided by Barry Siegfried, K2MF, of New York City. Walt Wheeler Yankee Osborne Users 365 Edgewood Avenue New Haven, CT. 12/29/87