{ Draws two lines across the bottom of the screen with a blank line between them. Use with the Write_Status procedure below to put messages in or get input from a status line. } Procedure Draw_Status_Border; Begin LowVideo; GotoXY(1,22); Write(' =============================================================================='); GotoXY(1,24); Write(' =============================================================================='); NormVideo; End; { Rings bell and writes the passed string centered on line 23. Use with the procedure above. } Procedure Write_Status (Prompt : Str100); Var Margin : Integer; Position : Integer; Begin Cursor_Off; LowVideo; Margin := ((80-length(Prompt)) div 2); While Pos('(',Prompt) <> 0 Do Begin Position := Pos('(', Prompt); Delete(Prompt,Position,1); Insert(ESC+'C1',Prompt,Position) End; While Pos(')',Prompt) <> 0 Do Begin Position := Pos(')',Prompt); Delete(Prompt,Position,1); Insert(' ',Prompt,1); Insert(ESC + 'B1',Prompt,Position + 1) End; GotoXY(1,23); ClrEol; GotoXY(Margin,23); Write(BEL,Prompt); NormVideo End;