KTRANS: Tony Keane, 1984 CTRANS Adaptation: Jim Lill, 11/85 Purpose: Hi-Speed Inter-Computer Transfer Program Application: KTRANS, Kaypro and Bigboard Computers CTRANS, any CP/M computer whose BIOS supports PUN: and RDR: KTRANS.... used in the Kaypro or Bigboard. Baud rate can be set to match the remote unit using BAUDM as supplied by Kaypro. Speeds up to 19.2K have been used successfully. CTRANS.... used in any CP/M computer with PUN: and RDR: support. Baud rate must be either a default, hardware selected or via software control provided by the user. In each case, Run instructions are provided when the program is run. Protocol Description: almost any type of file can be transferred. Codes below 20 and above 7F are transferred as double-bytes using three special signalling codes (11H, 12H, 13H). This allows for the fastest transfer for most files including object code since double-bytes are only necessary for out-of-range codes. The data is sent without error-checking, in 128 Byte blocks. Having no Error Checking, CTRANS and KTRANS are intended for local hard-wire duty. High baud rates will provide a quick transfer that can APPROACH DISK-to-DISK SPEEDS in some cases.