To run a Mouse program, you will have to do the following first. Extract the Mouse interpreter itself from MOUSE.LBR with a Library Utility (like NULU151.COM). This is the file named MOUSE.COM. Next, select the Mouse program you want to run and extract it from MOUSE.LBR. Anything that ends in .MSE is a Mouse program source file. All files in this library that have a Z in the middle letter of their filetype are crunched. Uncrunch them with UNCR24.COM (included in the library). A>UNCR24 *.MZE would uncrunch all crunched .MSE files. To run a Mouse program: A>MOUSE filename.MSE I suggest extracting FILES.MSE and HELP.MSE first. Try A>MOUSE FILES.MSE FILES.MSE is a menu-driven Mouse program which talks about all the files in the Library. It is linked to HELP.MSE, which contains a summary of the Mouse instruction set. Enjoy. Lee R. Bradley, Mouse House Software.