; MXH-NA13.ASM -- MEXPLUS overlay for North Star Advantage Ver 1.3 - 86/01/14 VER: EQU 13 ;Version number ; NOTE: This overlay is designed for use with MEXPLUS (version 1.2 or ; greater) but it is fully compatible with the public domain ; versions of MEX (version 1.1x) ; Edit this file for your preferences then follow the "TO USE:" example ; shown below. ; Use the MEX "SET" command to change the baudrate when desired. Use ; "SET" to see the current baud rate and "SET xxxx" to set to xxxx. It ; starts out at the value specified for the MSPEED equate. To change ; the default baud rate, use "SET" to set the desired rate, then "CLONE" ; MEX. ; TO USE: First edit this file filling in answers for your own ; equipment. Then assemble with ASM.COM or equivalent ; assembler. ; For MEX V 1.1x, use MLOAD (version 2.3 or greater)to ; overlay the the results of this program to the ; original .COM file: ; ; A>MLOAD MEX.COM=MEXxxx.COM,[MXO-SMxx,]MXO-NAxx ; where MXO-SMxx is an optional modem overlay. ; For MEXPLUS V 1.2 or greater, use MLOAD to create an overlay ; file (.OVR) and boot MEXPLUS and use its built in ; LOAD command to install the overlay: ; A>MLOAD MXH-NA13.OVR=MXH.NA13.HEX ; Load MEXPLUS and type: ; [MEX] A0>>LOAD MXH-NA13.OVR ; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ; 86/01/14 - Version 1.3 - upgraded to MEXPLUS ; compatibility - MEXified labels - Ian Cottrell ; Sysop ; Info Centre BBS ; Ottawa, Ontario ; Canada ; (613)-990-9774 ; 85/09/30 - Version 1.2 - corrected minor bugs - Ian Cottrell ; 85/03/27 - Version 1.1 - added ability to change ; default baud rate through "CLONE" ; command - Ian Cottrell ; 84/11/26 - Version 1.0 - MEXified overlay - Ian Cottrell ; 84/07/26 - Added default baud rate and slot # - Ian Cottrell ; 83/11/11 - Renamed to M7NA-1.ASM, no changes - Irv Hoff ; 83/09/14 - Changed M712HZ.ASM TO M712AF.ASM - Robert Lehman ; 83/07/27 - Renamed to work with MDM712 - Irv Hoff ; 83/02/17 - 1st version of M712HZ.ASM - Irv Hoff ; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = YES: EQU 0FFH NO: EQU 0 MEXP: EQU YES ; Set to NO for MEX version 1.1x SLOT: EQU 6 ; Slot used for modem port PORT: EQU (6-SLOT)*16 ; Addr for selected slot BPORT: EQU PORT+8 ; Baud rate port for Advantage DPORT: EQU PORT ; Data port for Advantage SPORT: EQU PORT+1 ; Status port for Advantage CPORT: EQU PORT+1 ; Control port for Advantage DAV: EQU 2 ; Data available TBMT: EQU 1 ; Transmit buffer empty ; MEX Service Processor MEX: EQU 0D00H ; Address of the service processor INMDM: EQU 255 ; Get char from port to A, CY=no more in 100 ms TIMER: EQU 254 ; Delay 100ms * reg B TMDINP: EQU 253 ; B=# secs to wait for char, cy=no char CHEKCC: EQU 252 ; Check for ^C from KBD, Z=present SNDRDY: EQU 251 ; Test for modem-send ready RCVRDY: EQU 250 ; Test for modem-receive ready SNDCHR: EQU 249 ; Send a character to the modem (after sndrdy) RCVCHR: EQU 248 ; Recv a char from modem (after rcvrdy) LOOKUP: EQU 247 ; Table search: see CMDTBL comments for info PARSFN: EQU 246 ; Parse filename from input stream BDPARS: EQU 245 ; Parse baud-rate from input stream SBLANK: EQU 244 ; Scan input stream to next non-blank EVALA: EQU 243 ; Evaluate numeric from input stream LKAHED: EQU 242 ; Get nxt char w/o removing from input GNC: EQU 241 ; Get char from input, cy=1 if none ILP: EQU 240 ; Inline print DECOUT: EQU 239 ; Decimal output PRBAUD: EQU 238 ; Print baud rate CONOUT: EQU 2 ; Simulated BDOS function 2: console char out PRINT: EQU 9 ; Simulated BDOS function 9: print string INBUF: EQU 10 ; Input buffer, same structure as BDOS 10 BELL: EQU 07H ; Bell CR: EQU 0DH ; Carriage return ESC: EQU 1BH ; Escape LF: EQU 0AH ; Linefeed RON: EQU 01H ; Reverse video on ROFF: EQU 02H ; Reverse video off ; The Advantage uses the 8251 ORG 100H DB 0C3H ; Show that we're an 8080/Z-80 overlay DS 2 ; For rest of the "JMP START" instruction DS 2 ; Unused by MEX DB 'P' ; T=touch, P=pulse (Smartmodem-only) 105H CLOCK: DB 40 ; Clock speed in MHz x10, 25.5 MHz max. 106H ; 20=2 MHh, 37=3.68 MHz, 40=4 MHz, etc. MSPEED: DB 5 ; 0=110 1=300 2=450 3=600 4=710 5=1200 107H ; 6=2400 7=4800 8=9600 9=19200 default BYTDLY: DB 5 ; 0=0 delay 1=10ms 5=50 ms - 9=90 ms 108H ; default time to send char in terinal ; mode file transfer for slow BBS. CRDLY: DB 5 ; 0=0 delay 1=100 ms 5=500 ms-9=900 ms 109H ; default time for extra wait after CRLF ; in terminal mode file transfer COLUMS: DB 5 ; Number of DIR columns shown 10AH SETFLG: DB YES ; Yes=user-added Setup routine 10BH SCRTST: DB YES ; Cursor control routine 10CH DS 1 ; Unused by MEX 10DH BAKFLG: DB YES ; Yes=change any file same name to .BAK 10EH CRCDFL: DB YES ; Yes=default to CRC checking 10FH TOGCRC: DB YES ; Yes=allow toggling of CRC to Checksum 110H CVTBS: DB NO ; Yes=convert backspace to rub 111H TOGLBK: DB YES ; Yes=allow toggling of bksp to rub 112H ADDLF: DB NO ; No=no LF after CR to send file in 113H ; terminal mode (added by remote echo) TOGLF: DB YES ; Yes=allow toggling of LF after CR 114H DB YES ; Yes=allow transmission of logon 115H ; write logon sequence at location LOGON SAVCCP: DB YES ; Yes=do not overwrite CCP 116H DB NO ; Yes=local command if EXTCHR precedes 117H ; no=external command if EXTCHR precedes DB YES ; Yes=allow toggling of LOCONEXTCHR 118H LSTST: DB YES ; Yes=printer available on printer port 119H XOFTST: DB YES ; Yes=checks for XOFF from remote while 11AH ; sending a file in terminal mode XONWT: DB NO ; Yes=wait for XON after CR while 11BH ; sending a file in terminal mode TOGF: DB YES ; Yes=allow toggling of XOFF checking 11CH IGNCTL: DB YES ; Tes=CTL-chars above ^M not displayed 11DH EXTRA1: DB 0 ; For future expansion 11EH EXITCHR:DB 'E' ; E = Exit to main menu 11FH BRKCHR: DB '@' ; @ = Send a 300 ms. break tone 120H NOCONN: DB 'N' ; N = Disconnect from the phone line 121H LOGCHR: DB 'L' ; L = Send logon 122H LSTCHR: DB 'P' ; P = Toggle printer 123H UNSAVE: DB 'R' ; R = Close input text buffer 124H TRANCHR:DB 'T' ; T = Transmit file to remote 125H SAVECHR:DB 'Y' ; Y = Open input text buffer 125H EXTCHR: DB '^' ; ^ = Send next character 126H DS 2 ; 128H INCTL1: IN CPORT ; In modem control port 12AH RET DS 7 OTDATA: OUT DPORT ; Out modem data port 134H RET DS 7 INPORT: IN DPORT ; In modem data port 13EH RET DS 7 MASKR: ANI DAV ; Bit to test for receive ready 148H RET TESTR: CPI DAV ; Value of rcv. bit when ready 14BH RET MASKS: ANI TBMT ; Bit to test for send ready 14EH RET TESTS: CPI TBMT ; Value of send bit when ready 151H RET DCDTST: JMP DCDVEC ; Data carrier detect 154H RNGDET: JMP RNGVEC ; Ring detect 157H DB 0,0,0,0,0 ; Reserved space, assumed 0 15AH SMDISC: DS 3 ; Smart modem disconnect (not here) 15FH DIALV: DS 3 ; DIALV: not done here (maybe MXM-xx) 162H DISCV: JMP DISCON ; Disconnect modem (with DTR) 165H GOODBV: JMP GOODBY ; Call just before exit to CP/M 168H INMODV: JMP NITMOD ; Initialize port 16BH NEWBDV: JMP NEWBD ; Set new baud rate 16EH RET ; NOPARV 171H NOP NOP RET ; PARITV 174H NOP NOP SETUPV: JMP SETCMD ; 177H DS 3 ; Not used by MEX 17AH VERSNV: JMP SYSVER ; 17DH BREAKV: JMP SBREAK ; 180H ; Do not change the following line. DS 18 ; 183H ; Routines to clear screen and clear to end of screen ; If using these routines, set SCRTST to YES at 10AH (above) CLREOS: LXI D,EOSMSG ; 195H MVI C,PRINT CALL MEX RET CLS: LXI D,CLSMSG ; 19EH JMP CLREOS+3 ; End of fixed area ... from here to 1FFH is reserved ORG 200H ; New boundary for MEXPLUS SYSVER: MVI C,ILP CALL MEX IF MEXP DB 'MEXPLUS ' ENDIF ;MEXP DB 'Version ' DB VER/10+'0' DB '.' DB VER MOD 10+'0' DB ' for North Star Advantage - Slot ',SLOT+30H DB CR,LF DB 'Default Baud Rate: ',RON,0 LDA MSPEED MVI C,PRBAUD CALL MEX MVI C,ILP CALL MEX DB ROFF DB CR,LF,0 RET ; Routine called just prior to exit to CP/M GOODBY: RET ; Return data carrier detect (DCD) status ; 0 = no carrier ; 255 = carrier present ; 254 = we don't know (DCD not supported) DCDVEC: MVI A,254 ; Return 'we don't know' RET ; Return ring indicator status ; 0 = not ringing ; 255 = ring detected ; 254 = we don't know (RI not supported) RNGVEC: MVI A,254 ; Return 'we don't know' RET ; This routine allows a 300 ms. break tone to be send to reset some ; time-share computers. SBREAK: MVI A,08H ;send a break tone for 300 ms. JMP DISCON1 ; This routine sends a 300 ms. break tone and sets DTR low for the same ; length of time to disconnect some modems such as the Bell 212a, etc. DISCON: MVI A,0AH ;set break, DTR low DISCON1:OUT CPORT ;put command register out of mode IN SPORT ;make sure it is now clear IN SPORT ;try once more MVI B,3 ;delay for 300 ms. MVI C,TIMER CALL MEX MVI A,37H ;reset RTS, flags, DTR low, enable R/T OUT CPORT ;send to command register IN DPORT ;clear any incoming chars. IN DPORT ;try once more XRA A ;clear the 'A' reg. RET ; The following are used in setting up the modem port. ; Since N/S Bios only initializes the first 3 ports, the ; 8251 for the selected slot is initialized. NITMOD: LXI H,NITSTR ; Point to initialization string LXI B,5*256+PORT+1 ; B=count, C=UART cmd port DB 0EDH,0B3H ; Z-80 OTIR instruction LDA MSPEED ; Get MSPEED value CALL SBAUD ; Go set baud rate JZ NITERR ; If zero, error RET ; No error, normal return NITERR: MVI C,ILP CALL MEX DB 'Default baud rate not supported',CR,LF DB 'Now set to: ' DB RON,'1200 baud.',ROFF,0 MVI A,5 ; Set baud rate STA MSPEED ; to 1200 CALL SBAUD ; baud RET NITSTR: DB 80H,80H ; Fillers to ensure known state DB 040H ; Internal reset DB 04EH ; 1 stop bit, 8 data bits, no parity ; 16x clock DB 037H ; TX on, RX on, DTR low, RTS low ; Reset errors ; The following changes the baud rate with the set command. SETCMD: MVI C,SBLANK ;any arguments? CALL MEX JC TELL ;if not, go display baud rate LXI D,CMDTBL MVI C,LOOKUP CALL MEX ;parse agrument PUSH H ;save any arg addrs on stack RNC ;if we have one, return to it POP H ;oops, input not found in table MVI C,ILP CALL MEX ;tell user input not valid SETERR: DB '++ SET command error ++',CR,LF,BELL,0 RET CMDTBL: DB '30','0'+80H DW OK300 DB '60','0'+80H DW OK600 DB '120','0'+80H DW OK1200 DB '240','0'+80H DW OK2400 DB '480','0'+80H DW OK4800 DB '960','0'+80H DW OK9600 DB '1920','0'+80H DW OK19200 DB 0 TELL: MVI C,ILP CALL MEX DB CR,LF,'Baud rate is now: ' DB RON,0 LDA MSPEED MVI C,PRBAUD CALL MEX MVI C,ILP CALL MEX DB ROFF,0 RET OK300: MVI A,1 JMP LOADBD OK600: MVI A,3 JMP LOADBD OK1200: MVI A,5 JMP LOADBD OK2400: MVI A,6 JMP LOADBD OK4800: MVI A,7 JMP LOADBD OK9600: MVI A,8 JMP LOADBD OK19200:MVI A,9 LOADBD: STA MSPEED ; Set xfer time CALL SBAUD ; Go set baud rate JZ SETERR ; If zero, error CALL TELL ; No error, so tell us new rate RET SBAUD: LXI H,BRTBL ; Calculate required value MVI D,0 ; to send to baud MOV E,A ; rate register DAD D MOV A,M ; Reg A now contain correct value ORA A ; Zero? RZ ; If so, error - return with Z set OUT BPORT ; Else, send to baud rate port IN DPORT ; Clear any incoming chars. IN DPORT ; Try once more RET NEWBD: CALL SBAUD ; Go set baud rate JZ SETERR ; If Z, error RET ; No error, normal return ; Table of baudrate parameters for N/S SIO board BRTBL: EQU $ BD110: DB 00H ;110 baud not supported BD300: DB 40H BD450: DB 00H ;450 baud not supported BD600: DB 60H BD710: DB 00H ;710 baud not supported BD1200: DB 70H BD2400: DB 78H BD4800: DB 7CH BD9600: DB 7EH BD19200:DB 7FH EOSMSG: DB 15,0,0,0,0,'$' ;clear to eos for N/S Advantage CLSMSG: DB 30,15,0,0,0,'$' ;clear screen (home and clear eos) END