; MXH-CPM3.ASM -- MEXP hardware overlay for CP/M Plus. ; ; This MEXP overlay includes SET and ABAUD routines (for ; setting and ; automatically changing baud rates) which ; use generic CP/M+ BDOS calls. The SET command also ; allows one to switch between any two CP/M+ i/o devices ; (called modem and xmodem here). As such, the overlay ; can be configured for any CP/M+ system in which the ; character i/o device table has been implemented simply ; by including the hardware dependent modem and xmodem ; port specifications in the tables MODTBL and XMODTBL ; at the end of the overlay. ; ; MXH-CPM3.ASM was derived from the general purpose ; overlay file M7GP-1.ASM with baudrate code from ; M7C3-1.ASM by R. Saeks - 5/7/85. ; VERSION: EQU 00H ;Version number ; BELL: EQU 07H ;bell CR: EQU 0DH ;carriage return ESC: EQU 1BH ;escape LF: EQU 0AH ;linefeed YES: EQU 0FFH NO: EQU 0 BDOS: EQU 5 DUMMY: EQU 0 ;dummy byte to be filled in ;by SETPORT with correct data ; MODFIRST: EQU YES ;yes if modem port at logon XMODFIRST: EQU NO ;yes if xmodem port at logon ; ; The following JUMP instruction is necessary for MEXPLUS ; loadable overlays. ; ORG 100H DB 0C3H ; JMP instruction for MEX 1.2 DS 2 ;(for "JMP START" instruction) ; ; The following DB statements define the initial MEX parameters. ; PMMIMODEM: DB NO ;yes=PMMI S-100 Modem 103H SMARTMODEM: DB YES ;yes=HAYES Smartmodem, no=non-PMMI 104H TOUCHPULSE: DB 'T' ;T=touch, P=pulse (Smartmodem-only) 105H CLOCK: DB 40 ;clock speed in MHz x10, 25.5 MHz max. 106H ;20=2 MHh, 37=3.68 MHz, 40=4 MHz, etc. MSPEED: DB 5 ;0=110 1=300 2=450 3=600 4=710 5=1200 107H ;6=2400 7=4800 8=9600 9=19200 default BYTDLY: DB 5 ;0=0 delay 1=10ms 5=50 ms - 9=90 ms 108H ;default time to send character in ter- ;minal mode file transfer for slow BBS. CRDLY: DB 5 ;0=0 delay 1=100 ms 5=500 ms - 9=900 ms 109H ;default time for extra wait after CRLF ;in terminal mode file transfer NOOFCOL: DB 5 ;number of DIR columns shown 10AH SETUPTST: DB YES ;yes=user-added Setup routine 10BH SCRNTEST: DB YES ;Cursor control routine 10CH ACKNAK: DB YES ;yes=resend a record after any non-ACK 10DH ;no=resend a record after a valid-NAK BAKUPBYTE: DB YES ;yes=change any file same name to .BAK 10EH CRCDFLT: DB YES ;yes=default to CRC checking 10FH TOGGLECRC: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of CRC to Checksum 110H CONVBKSP: DB NO ;yes=convert backspace to rub 111H TOGGLEBK: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of bksp to rub 112H ADDLF: DB NO ;no=no LF after CR to send file in 113H ;terminal mode (added by remote echo) TOGGLELF: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of LF after CR 114H TRANLOGON: DB NO ;yes=allow transmission of logon 115H ;write logon sequence at location LOGON SAVCCP: DB NO ;yes=do not overwrite CCP 116H LOCONEXTCHR: DB NO ;yes=local command if EXTCHR precedes 117H ;no=external command if EXTCHR precedes TOGGLELOC: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of LOCONEXTCHR 118H LSTTST: DB YES ;yes=printer available on printer port 119H XOFFTST: DB NO ;yes=checks for XOFF from remote while 11AH ;sending a file in terminal mode XONWAIT: DB NO ;yes=wait for XON after CR while 11BH ;sending a file in terminal mode TOGXOFF: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of XOFF checking 11CH IGNORCTL: DB YES ;yes=CTL-chars above ^M not displayed 11DH EXTRA1: DB 0 ;for future expansion 11EH EXTRA2: DB 0 ;for future expansion 11FH BRKCHR: DB '@'-40H ;^@ = Send 300 ms. break tone 120H NOCONNCT: DB 'N'-40H ;^N = Disconnect from the phone line 121H LOGCHR: DB 'L'-40H ;^L = Send logon 122H LSTCHR: DB 'P'-40H ;^P = Toggle printer 123H UNSAVE: DB 'R'-40H ;^R = Close input text buffer 124H TRANCHR: DB 'T'-40H ;^T = Transmit file to remote 125H SAVECHR: DB 'Y'-40H ;^Y = Open input text buffer 126H EXTCHR: DB '^'-40H ;^^ = Send next character 127H ; ; DS 2 ; 128H ; IN$MODCTL1: IN 08DH ! RET ;in modem control port 12AH DS 7 OUT$MODDATP: OUT 08CH ! RET ;out modem data port 134H DS 7 IN$MODDATP: IN 08CH ! RET ;in modem data port 13EH DS 7 ANI$MODRCVB: ANI 02H ! RET ;bit to test for receive ready 148H CPI$MODRCVR: CPI 02H ! RET ;value of rcv. bit when ready 14BH ANI$MODSNDB: ANI 04H ! RET ;bit to test for send ready 14EH CPI$MODSNDR: CPI 04H ! RET ;value of send bit when ready 151H ; ; Following are two new entry points for MEXPLUS ; DCDTST returns data-carrier detect in A: 0 if no carrier ; present, 0FFH if carrier is present, and 0FEH if overlay ; doesn't know (i.e., doesn't support carrier detect) ; RNGDET works similarly for ring-detect. ; DCDTST: JMP DCDVEC ;data carrier detect 154H RNGDET: JMP RNGVEC ;ring-detect 157H ; ; End of MEXPLUS added vectors ; OUT$MODCTL1: OUT 08DH ! RET ;out modem control port #2 15AH OUT$MODCTL2: OUT 08DH ! RET ;out modem control port #1 15DH ; LOGONPTR: DW LOGON ;for user message. 160H DS 6 ; 162H JMP$GOODBYE: JMP GOODBYE ; 168H JMP$INIT: JMP INIT ;go to user written routine 16BH JMP$ABAUD: JMP ABAUD ;auto baud rate change 16EH RET ! NOP ! NOP ;(by-passes PMMI routine) 171H RET ! NOP ! NOP ;(by-passes PMMI routine) 174H JMP$SETUPR: JMP SETUPR ; 177H JMP$SPCLMENU: JMP SPCLMENU ; 17AH JMP$SYSVER: JMP SYSVER ; 17DH JMP$BREAK: JMP SENDBRK ; 180H ; ; ; Do not change the following six lines. ; JMP$ILPRT: DS 3 ; 183H JMP$INBUF DS 3 ; 186H JMP$INLNCOMP: DS 3 ; 189H JMP$INMODEM DS 3 ; 18CH JMP$NXTSCRN: DS 3 ; 18FH JMP$TIMER DS 3 ; 192H ; ; ; Routine to clear to end of screen. If using CLREOS and CLRSCRN, set ; SCRNTEST to YES at 010AH (above). ; CLREOS: CALL JMP$ILPRT ;VT-52 change for 195H DB ESC,'k',0,0,0 ;your terminal 198H RET ; 19DH ; CLRSCRN: CALL JMP$ILPRT ;VT-52 change for 19EH DB ESC,'v',0,0,0 ;your terminal 1A1H RET ; 1A6H ; SYSVER: CALL JMP$ILPRT ; 1A7H DB 'Version for CP/M Plus' DB CR,LF,'Hardware Overlay MXH-CPM3' DB VERSION / 10 + ' ',VERSION mod 10 + ' ' DB CR,LF,0 RET ;..... ; ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; NOTE: You can change the SYSVER message to be longer or shorter ; so long as the maximum length for the overlay is not exceeded. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; You can put in a message at this location which can be called up with ; CTL-O if TRANLOGON has been set TRUE. You can use several lines if ; desired. End with a 0. ; LOGON: DB 'How are you today?',CR,LF,0 ;..... ; ; ; Add your own routine here to send a break tone to reset some time-share ; computers, if desired. ; SENDBRK: RET ;..... ; ; ; Add your own routine here to put DTR low and/or send a break tone. ; GOODBYE: RET ;..... ; ; return data carrier detect status ; 0 = no carrier ; 255 = carrier present ; 254 = we don't know (DCD not supported) ; DCDVEC: MVI A,0FEH ;return 255 if carrier detect RET ;...... ; ; return ring-detect status: ; ; 0 = not ringing ; 255 = ring detected ; 254 = we don't know ; RNGVEC: MVI A,0FEH ;return "we don't know" RET ; ; ; ; You can use this area for any special initialization or setup you may ; wish to include. Each must stop with a RET. You can check the other ; available overlays for ideas how to write your own routines if that ; may be of some help. ; INIT: MVI C,12 ;routine to check if CP/M+ CALL BDOS ;Get version # CPI 30H JNC INITPORT ;jump if CP/M+ CALL JMP$ILPRT ;return error message if not CP/M+ DB 'Requires CP/M Version 3',CR,LF,0 RST 0 INITPORT: MVI A,3EH OUT 9DH MVI A,27H OUT 8DH RET ; ; Routine to automatically set baud rate from data stored ; in phone directory ; ABAUD: PUSH H ;don't alter anybody PUSH D PUSH B CPI 1 ;check if 300 baud JZ OK300 CPI 5 ;check if 1200 baud JZ OK1200 CPI 6 ;check if 2400 baud JZ OK2400 CPI 7 ;check if 4800 baud JZ OK4800 CPI 8 ;check if 9600 baud JZ OK9600 STC ;return error for STBAUD caller JMP SETEXIT ;restore BC, DE and HL regs ; ; Routine to set baud rate from command line input ; SETUPR: PUSH H ;don't alter anybody PUSH D PUSH B SETUPR1: CALL JMP$ILPRT ;display SET message DB CR,LF,' Input Baud Rate or Port' DB CR,LF,'<300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,' DB ' (M)odem, or (X)modem>: ',0 LXI D,SETBUF CALL JMP$INBUF ;input command LXI D,SETBUF+2 CALL JMP$INLNCOMP DB '300',0 ;check if 300 baud JNC OK300 CALL JMP$INLNCOMP DB '1200',0 ;check if 1200 baud JNC OK1200 CALL JMP$INLNCOMP DB '2400',0 ;check if 2400 baud JNC OK2400 CALL JMP$INLNCOMP DB '4800',0 ;check if 4800 baud JNC OK4800 CALL JMP$INLNCOMP DB '9600',0 ;check if 9600 baud JNC OK9600 CALL JMP$INLNCOMP DB 'M',0 ;check if Modem port JNC SETMOD CALL JMP$INLNCOMP DB 'm',0 JNC SETMOD CALL JMP$INLNCOMP DB 'X',0 ;check if Xmodem port JNC SETXMOD CALL JMP$INLNCOMP DB 'x',0 JNC SETXMOD CALL JMP$ILPRT DB ' ++ Incorrect entry ++',CR,LF,BELL,0 JMP SETUPR1 ;repeate if incorrect entry SETMOD: LXI H,MODTBL ;load modem port equate table CALL SETPORT ;set MODTBL equates in DUMMY bytes JMP SETEXIT ;restore BC, DE, and HL regs SETXMOD: LXI H,XMODTBL ;load xmodem port equate table CALL SETPORT ;set XMODTBL equates in DUMMY bytes JMP SETEXIT ;restore BC, DE, and HL regs ; ;subroutine to insert port addresses and masks into DUMMY ;bytes in mex I/O subroutines. Routine enters with the ;address of the port data table in reg hl. ; SETPORT: MOV A,M ;get modem control port STA IN$MODCTL1+1 STA OUT$MODCTL1+1 STA OUT$MODCTL2+1 INX H ;get modem data port MOV A,M STA OUT$MODDATP+1 STA IN$MODDATP+1 INX H ;get carrier detact bit MOV A,M STA DCDVEC+5 INX H ;get receive ready bit MOV A,M STA ANI$MODRCVB+1 INX H ;get receive ready mask MOV A,M STA CPI$MODRCVR+1 INX H ;get trans ready bit MOV A,M STA ANI$MODSNDB+1 INX H ;get trans ready mask MOV A,M STA CPI$MODSNDR+1 INX H ;get CPM3 device number MOV A,M STA DEVICE ; ;routine to compute the address of baudrate parameter ;in the CPM3 char i/o device table for the specified device. ; ADCHRTBL: MVI A,20 ;BIOS call to return character I/O STA FUNC ;device table address MVI C,50 ;cp/m+ direct BIOS call LXI D,FUNC ;direct BIOS call data structure CALL BDOS PUSH H ;Save the table address LXI H,7 ;Offset to baudrate LDA DEVICE ORA A JZ ISZERO ;jump if cp/m+ i/o device # 0 LXI D,8 DEVLP: DAD D ;add (8xDEV #) to baudrate offset DCR A JNZ DEVLP ISZERO: POP D ;Get Table address DAD D ;Form baudrate address SHLD BAUDAD ;save baudrate address for DEV # RET ; ;subroutines to load mspeed and cp/m+ baudrate codes ; ;baudrate mspeed cpm3 OK300: MVI A,1 ;300 baud ; code code MVI B,6 ;----------------------- JMP LOADBD ;300 1 6 ;600 3 7 OK1200: MVI A,5 ;1200 baud ;1200 5 8 MVI B,8 ;2400 6 10 JMP LOADBD ;4800 7 12 ;9600 8 14 OK2400 MVI A,6 ;2400 baud ;19200 9 15 MVI B,10 JMP LOADBD OK4800 MVI A,7 ;4800 baud MVI B,12 JMP LOADBD OK9600 MVI A,8 ;9600 baud MVI B,14 ;fall through to LOADBD ; ;routine to store mspeed baudrate code (reg a) in MSPEED and ;cp/m+ baudrate code (reg b) at (BAUDAD) in i/o device table ;and to reset the i/o port to the new baudrate. ; LOADBD: STA MSPEED ;store mspeed LHLD BAUDAD ;set CPM3 char table MOV M,B LDA DEVICE ;reset device MOV L,A ;store cp/m+ device number MVI H,0 ;in "reg c" of direct BIOS SHLD BCREG ;data structure MVI A,21 ;device init BIOS call STA FUNC MVI C,50 ;cp/m+ direct BIOS call LXI D,FUNC ;direct BIOS call data structure CALL BDOS SETEXIT: POP B ;restore BC, DE, and HL regs POP D POP H RET ; DEVICE: DB DUMMY ;storage for cp/m+ device number SETBUF: DB 10,0 DS 2 FUNC: DS 1 ;cp/m+ direct BIOS call AREG: DS 1 ;data structure BCREG: DS 2 DEREG: DS 2 HLREG: DS 2 BAUDAD: DS 2 ;storage for baudrate address ;in char i/o device table ; ;Equates for Modem port (set for CompuPro Interfacer 4) ; MODBASE: EQU 08CH ; MODTBL: DB MODBASE+1 ;modem control/status port DB MODBASE ;modem data port DB 040H ;mask for carrier detect bit DB 02H ;mask to test for receive DB 02H ;value when receive ready DB 04H ;mask to test for send DB 04H ;value when ready to send DB 8 ;cp/m+ device number ; ;Equates for Xmodem port (set for Zilog DART) ; XMODBASE: EQU 08CH ; XMODTBL: DB XMODBASE+1 ;modem control/status port DB XMODBASE ;modem data port DB 040H ;mask carrier detect bit DB 02H ;mask to test for receive DB 02H ;value when receive ready DB 04H ;mask to test for send DB 04H ;value when ready to send DB 9 ;cp/m+ device number ; ; If using the Hayes Smartmodem this is unavailable without a special ; change. ; SPCLMENU: RET ; ; ;..... ; END ;