0 ' Revision 1.2 10/23/84 10 ' MTIMER10.BAS by Lawrence Davis 9/25/84 12 ' Insert your own clock routine at line 190 13 ' Clear screen string currently CHR$(26) - ^Z 15 ' This program must be compiled using BASCOM 16 ' Compile as follows: BASCOM in A drive MTIMER.BAS in B drive 17 ' A>BASCOM =B:MTIMER12 /O 18 ' A>L80 B:MTIMER12,B:MTIMER/N/E 19 DIM L$(128) 20 PRINT CHR$(26);TAB(20)"Mex Timer Program - Version 1.2 25 PRINT TAB(27);"For Epson QX-10 30 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT 40 INPUT "Set the STARTUP TIME: (Enter as HH:MM) ",A$ 45 PRINT:PRINT"Enter the Mex COMMAND LINE (eg. LOAD PHONE.PHN;READ BBS) " 47 INPUT "MEX>",M$ 50 PRINT CHR$(26);"The STARTUP TIME is set for ";A$ 55 PRINT:PRINT;"The Mex COMMAND LINE is <"+M$+">" 60 PRINT:PRINT;"You must leave the computer and modem ON" 80 GOSUB 190 'read clock 90 IF TM$=A$ THEN 164 'Is it time? Yes, then run MEX 100 OLDTM$=TM$ 'If not, then try again 110 GOSUB 190 'Read clock 120 IF TM$>OLDTM$ THEN 80 130 GOTO 110 164 L=LEN(M$)+1 'Length of command line + space (20h) 165 POKE &H80,L 'Poke length into default buffer 166 POKE &H81,&H20 'poke space (20h) 168 J=130 'Decimal equivalent of 82h 169 FOR I%=1 TO LEN(M$) 'Loop times number of chars in command line 170 L$(I%)=MID$(M$,I%,1)'Assign a string variable to each char in comm. line 171 POKE J,ASC(L$(I%)) 'Poke command line into default buffer addresses 172 J=J+1 'Increment address counter 175 NEXT I% 'Do it again 180 PRINT CHR$(26):RUN "MEX" 190 OUT &H3D,4:TH=INP(&H3C):GOSUB 220:DH$=TH$ 'Clock routine for 200 OUT &H3D,2:TH=INP(&H3C):GOSUB 220:DI$=TH$ 'Epson QX-10 210 TM$=DH$+":"+DI$:RETURN 220 TH$="" 230 IF TH<10 THEN TH$="0" 240 TH$=TH$+HEX$(TH) 'End clock routine 250 RETURN