KAYPRO GRAPHICS IN MEX READ FILES The accompanying files, INI.MEX and INT.MEX, are initialization read files for MEX112 with the MXO-KP26, -27, -28 or -41 overlays that are designed to make use of the CRT graphics of the more recent Kaypro models. They don't do anything to MEX or Kaypro performance and are meant as an illustration of what can be done when MEX's read file capability and undocumented PRINT command are combined with Kaypro graphics. INI.MEX is for use with an external modem, while INT.MEX sets up the 4-84 internal modem. Thanks to Ron Fowler for making me aware of the PRINT command and Ron Mozer for documenting the Kaypro graphics escape sequences. Users with internal modems will probably want to rename INT.MEX to INI.MEX - this will get MEX off on the right foot automatically. The files were created by WordStar in non- document mode with an assist from EDFILE (for the control characters). I have not used the 25th line at all, but their is no particular reason not to experiment in that direction - or any other, for that matter! Another step that can be taken to improve the `look' of the opening MEX screens is the use of EDFILE (or DDT for the intrepid) to change the corny (sorry Ron) `ZZzzz...' message sent to the screen by the SLEEP command to something a bit more dignified and emphatic - I replaced it with `[WAIT!]>'. Have fun! Bruce Morgen, 10/30/84.