MWHATS10.DOC -- Documentation for MWHATS v1.0 - 09/28/85 Written by: Kim Levitt -- MBBS HQ RCP/M - (213) 653-6398 MWHATS10.CQM (WHATS.COM when unsqueezed) is a little MBBS utility program that I have whipped up to add some support for the MBBS upload description features of MBBS v4.0 when used with XMODEM (v11.7 & up with MBDESC feature enabled). Use the MBBSINIT utility to install WHATS.COM if your system has the SUMMARY, USERS and MESSAGE .BBS files on a disk/user area other than A0: for all. (Use the single file install option and specify WHATS.COM as the file to install.) The basic syntax for using MWHATS is: WHATS NEW [QNPSRZ] or WHATS afn [QNPSRZ] where: [QNPRSZ] = options (can be specified in any order) Q = Quick display (filename, date/time, uploader only) N = No '[more]' pauses after descriptions P = Print output to printer as well as screen S = Set disk/user info for files without "du:" info R = Reset disk/user info even if "du:" already given Z = Zap descriptions (prompts for description deletion) afn = "ambiguous file name" (a CP/M filespec that can contain "?" and/or "*" wildcard characters) The "NEW" parameter will restrict the scan to descriptions added since the user last logged on. Specifying a filename will restrict searches to descriptions matching the filespec. In both cases, descriptions are shown beginning with the most recent and going to the oldest. When used in remote mode by a regular user, MWHATS will only allow two options, the "Q" (quick display) and the "N" (no '[more]' pauses). When used locally or remotely by the sysop, the "P", "S", "R" and "Z" options are also allowed. When using the "R" or "S" features, you can specify a disk spec in front of the "NEW" or "afn" to start the searching on the specified disk. In all cases, MWHATS will look first on the currently logged in disk/user area, and then will start searching from disk A:, user 0 up to the maximum disk/user values stored in the USERS file for the sysop. If the file is found, the summary file header record is updated to show the "du:" in front of the filename in the subject field. If the file is not found, the "du:" information (if present) will be cleared to blanks (indicated the file wasn't found). Note that if you are setting info for files all in a par- ticular area, it will go a lot faster if you log into that area to run WHATS. (Since it checks the current disk/user before searching from A0: and up.) The "S" feature will only update entries which lack "du:" information in the summary file header, "R" will check ALL matched entries and can be used to check for files that have moved or been removed from the system. Using these features will allow the WHATS utility to show WHERE files are located as well as WHAT they are and will simply the maintenance of the upload descriptions. The "Z" option will also make it easy to remove descriptions for files as they are removed from the system. MSCAN can also be used to scan, edit and up- date the upload descriptions. MBBS can also be used to enter descriptions for files brought online by the sysop without XMODEM (enter message to "ALL" with "NEW UPLOAD: filename.typ" as the subject). IMPORTANT NOTE: BE SURE TO INCLUDE A "." in the filename even if it has no extension!! (as in "DUMB."). Note that when MWHATS is run locally (i.e. not under MBYE), the program assumes the user is a sysop and allows all options. Also, since the highest message number last log on is updated when the user exits locally, the program cannot determine what is really "NEW" and so will show all descriptions. EXAMPLES: WHATS NEW (Shows upload descriptions entered since the user last logged on the system. Filenames, date (& time if RTC on system), name of uploader and text of description are all shown. A '[more]' pause appearing at the end of each description.) WHATS NEW Q (Shows just filenames, date/time & uploaders for new descriptions.) WHATS NEW N (Show new stuff, skip the '[more]'s.) WHATS UP.DOC (Shows description for a single file) WHATS *.* Q (Filename can have wildcards.) WHATS NEW SQ (Same as WHATS NEW Q, but if sysop, (or local user) will set disk/user info into file for entries with no du: info presently stored.) WHATS THATFILE.ON ZQ (Zapping a single file) WHATS *.* ZQ (Optionally zap descriptions, clean up.) WHATS *.* PQ (Get hardcopy of description headings.) WHATS B:NEW S (Set du: info, start searching on drive B:) Have fun with it.... Let me know if you have any trouble with it, but it should work fine for MBBS v4.0 users. -- Kim Levitt