; ; MBBSCUST.ASM -- MBBS Customization overlay ; ; This file defines locations begining at 103H that are PEEKed ; by MBBS to determine where various files are located. ; ; Use ASM to assemble this file after editing into a .HEX file ; and then use MLOAD to "customize" a MBBS version 4.0 program. ; ; Example: "MLOAD MBBS.COM=MBBS.COM,MBBSCUST.HEX" ; ORG 103H ; BBSDSK: DB 'A' ; Disk where .BBS files reside * BBSUSR: DB 0 ; User for ALL .BBS files ; BYEDSK: DB 'A' ; Disk where BYE.COM file located BYEUSR: DB 0 ; User for BYE.COM ; LOGDSK: DB 'A' ; Disk where LOGIN.COM file located LOGUSR: DB 0 ; User for LOGIN.COM ; ; * All .BBS files on BBSDSK except for the following: ; MSGDSK: DB 'A' ; Disk for MESSAGES.BBS SUMDSK: DB 'A' ; Disk for SUMMARY.BBS USRDSK: DB 'A' ; Disk for USERS.BBS CALDSK: DB 'A' ; Disk for CALLERS.BBS ; ; The following values are used by MBBSUT only: ; ARCDSK: DB 'B' ; Disk for .ARC (archive) files BAKDSK: DB ' ' ; (Reserved location) WRKDSK: DB 'B' ; Disk for .WRK (work) files ; COMDSK: DB 'A' ; Disk where MBBS.COM file located COMUSR: DB 0 ; User for MBBS.COM ; END ; That's it! (For now) ;