N Ver 4.0 Numerical/Logical Converter/Evaluator (C)1985 Norman H. Strassner D O C U M E N T A T I O N N O T E S N40 operates as either a CP/M transient or in a local command mode. N40 enables translation and logical evaluation of numbers and expressions, sending all results to the console device and optionally to a disk file. Transient operation: See examples below Local command mode: All examples below are valid PLUS: ESCape key - Enables/Disables output file. Fully prompting. "?" - Displays help page ";" - Allows entering a comment into output file. Any expressions past semicolon are ignored. Accepts DECIMAL, HEX and BINARY numbers, and ASCII characters, Displaying equivalences in all four forms. APPEND n with "H" if hex, "B" if binary. No appendage if decimal PREFIX control characters (^@ - ^Z) with caret "^" PREFIX CAPITAL ASCII (SPACE - TILDE"~") with "@" PREFIX LOWER CASE ASCII (a - z) with "!" LOGICAL OPERATORS: + ADD - SUB * MUL / DIV AND OR XOR . (.=CLEAR) Delimeters between commands = space or comma From Command Line: A>N n ....For single input A>N n n,n,n,n n...n ....For multiple inputs A>N n [logical op] n [logical op],n n . n [logical op] n Entire line can be mixed with single inputs and logical equations. A period [.] in the command line will clear the 16 bit accumulator and restart the program, resuming next position in command line after [.]. N40 will not give remainders from division, or overflow indicators of results greater than 65535 (0FFFFH) Example: A series of expressions and numbers from the command prompt: Example 1: Transient conversions, one or more operations: A>N40 5 9 4 . ^A !A @A ---- DECIMAL ---- HEXIDECIMAL -------- BINARY ----- -- ASCII -- 5 0005H 00000000 00000101B ^E 9 0009H 00000000 00001001B ^I 4 0004H 00000000 00000100B ^D ---- DECIMAL ---- HEXIDECIMAL -------- BINARY ----- -- ASCII -- 23 0017H 00000000 00010111B ^W AND 42 002AH 00000000 00101010B * = 2 0002H 00000000 00000010B ^B ---- DECIMAL ---- HEXIDECIMAL -------- BINARY ----- -- ASCII -- 1 0001H 00000000 00000001B ^A 97 0061H 00000000 01100001B a 65 0041H 00000000 01000001B A A> Example 2: Transient numerical/logic conversion conversion, one or more operations: A>N40 500 + 460 / 2 . 110110B OR 000001B . FAFH AND FA0H OR 4 . 9038 ---- DECIMAL ---- HEXIDECIMAL -------- BINARY ----- -- ASCII -- 500 01F4H 00000001 11110100B [N/A] ADD 460 01CCH 00000001 11001100B [N/A] = 960 03C0H 00000011 11000000B [N/A] DIV 2 0002H 00000000 00000010B ^B = 480 01E0H 00000001 11100000B [N/A] ---- DECIMAL ---- HEXIDECIMAL -------- BINARY ----- -- ASCII -- 54 0036H 00000000 00110110B 6 OR 1 0001H 00000000 00000001B ^A = 55 0037H 00000000 00110111B 7 ---- DECIMAL ---- HEXIDECIMAL -------- BINARY ----- -- ASCII -- 4015 0FAFH 00001111 10101111B [N/A] AND 4000 0FA0H 00001111 10100000B [N/A] = 4000 0FA0H 00001111 10100000B [N/A] OR 4 0004H 00000000 00000100B ^D = 4004 0FA4H 00001111 10100100B [N/A] ---- DECIMAL ---- HEXIDECIMAL -------- BINARY ----- -- ASCII -- 9038 234EH 00100011 01001110B [N/A] A> Example 3: From internal command line: N40>4D90H OR 0FFH + 1 . 16 * 9 / 2 . 10011B OR 111000B ---- DECIMAL ---- HEXIDECIMAL -------- BINARY ----- -- ASCII -- 19856 4D90H 01001101 10010000B [N/A] OR 255 00FFH 00000000 11111111B = 19967 4DFFH 01001101 11111111B [N/A] + 1 0001H 00000000 00000001B ^A = 19968 4E00H 01001110 00000000B [N/A] ---- DECIMAL ---- HEXIDECIMAL -------- BINARY ----- -- ASCII -- 16 0010H 00000000 00010000B ^P * 9 0009H 00000000 00001001B ^I = 144 0090H 00000000 10010000B ^P / 2 0002H 00000000 00000010B ^B = 72 0048H 00000000 01001000B H ---- DECIMAL ---- HEXIDECIMAL -------- BINARY ----- -- ASCII -- 19 0013H 00000000 00010011B ^S OR 56 0038H 00000000 00111000B 8 = 59 003BH 00000000 00111011B ; Questions and comments to: -Norman H. Strassner CIS PPN 72135,1051 MCI NSTRASS SYSOP, VIDEOMAN RCP/M HOLLYWOOD, CA. (213) 666-8588 300/1200bd