PRINT.DOC --------- Instructions for PRINT v2.4a E.Meyer, 6/86 PRINT.COM is a file printing utility for all Z80 CP/M systems. Only 1k in size, and quite fast, PRINT gives attractive, practical printouts of text files, with comfortable margins, and the filename and page number on each page top. It also has several useful processing options. SYNTAX: A>print filename.typ [options] If no options are specified, this will just print the entire file, with the filename and page number on each page header. You can abort at any time by typing ^C. "Options" from the list below may be specified in any order, with or without spaces between them. OPTIONS: '@mm' - Begins actual printing "at" page number 'mm' (as counted by PRINT). If the file isn't that long, nothing will print. The default is of course "@1". '#nn' - Prints out at most 'nn' pages. The default is "#255". (Note: PRINT cannot count beyond 255 pages.) "comment" - Puts the quoted comment, up to about 50 characters, at the top of each page, after the filename and page number. Useful for adding a date, or any other remarks. (Uppercase conversion will occur.) '-' - Suppresses the page header (no filename, page number, or comment). Each page will hold 4 more lines as a result. '?' - TYPEs the file on your screen, instead of printing it. Good for proofreading, finding pages you wish to print, etc. The display moves quickly; use ^S to pause and examine it. (These last two are especially useful for WordStar files.) '.' - Instructs PRINT to ignore WordStar dot commands. Any lines that begin with a period (after a hard carriage return) will NOT print out when this option is in effect. '^' - Selects control-code filtering. All control codes (except CR and LF) will be printed as a "^" followed by a letter, eg "^S", instead of acting as control codes. In this mode, a WordStar file will print out much as it looks on your screen during editing. In default mode, all control codes are sent directly out. Thus you can, for example, get files with tabs and formfeeds printed properly, or put ESC codes for your printer in a file. EXAMPLES: A>PRINT No file is printed; only the initialization string (if any) is sent. A>PRINT B:MY.DOC This whole file will print out, with the filename and page number on every page top. A>PRINT B:MY.DOC .^ This file will be printed, with dot commands ignored, and control codes filtered. A good way to study a WordStar rough draft. B>a:print my.doc #3"rough draft" The first three pages of the file will be printed, with the comment ROUGH DRAFT in the header on each page top. A>PRINT B:MY.DOC @10#4 ?- Pages 10 to 13 will be viewed on screen, with no page headers. USER PATCHES: You can make the following changes in PRINT.COM using DDT, SID, or an equivalent patching utility. By default, PRINT prints 54 text lines per page, and the header takes another 4 lines, leaving 8 of the standard 66 lines blank for vertical margins. This was chosen for compatibility with my FTNOTE program, which also prints 54 lines per page. You can change this number to suit yourself by patching location 0110H in PRINT.COM. The default value is 36H (54 lines). You can also specify a printer initialization string, to set your printer margins, pitch etc the way you want, before the file is printed. (Can also be sent to set up the printer for other programs, just by typing "A>PRINT".) The string can consist of up to 46 bytes. The length goes at address 0111H, and the bytes themselves at 0112-013FH. The default is none (0). ERROR MESSAGES: The file named does not exist. One or more options is invalid. An error occurred in reading the file. You typed a ^C. RECENT HISTORY: PRINT 2.0 - Rewrote the C original in 8080 assembler. 2.1 - added better WordStar support. 2.2 - fixed bug that could prevent printing under CP/M 2.2. 2.3 - fixed bug that could print header comments incorrectly. 2.4 - rewrote in Z80 assembler; added printer initialization. 2.4a - fixed bug that printed garbage when no initialization. ------ Eric Meyer, 427 N. Washington, Bloomington IN 47401 ------