program make_nlq; { create a new font file, all dot data is set to 0 but the char field of each record is correct. The real data is to be entered into the file with the related program, EDITNLQ. MAKENLQ will erase without warning an existing font file if its name is entered at the prompt. You have been warned!!! } type pass = array [0..11] of byte; chardesc = record ch : char; pass1 : pass; pass2 : pass; end; str2 = string[2]; var i : integer; descfile : file of chardesc; ch2 : char; inpdesc : chardesc; fn : string[16]; begin writeln; write('New font file name: '); readln(fn); writeln; assign(descfile, fn); rewrite(descfile); with inpdesc do begin for i := 0 to 11 do pass1[i] := 0; pass2 := pass1; for ch2 := ' ' to '~' do begin ch := ch2; write(descfile,inpdesc); end; end; {with } close(descfile); end.