HB - Hershey Banner Version 1.5 October 21, 1986 Adam Fritz 133 Main Street Afton, New York 13730 INTRODUCTION ============ Thió writeuð reportó á programminç projecô using Hersheù datá tï producå printeä banners. Hersheù referó tï Dr® Alaî V® Hersheù whï measured¬ recorded¬ anä publisheä coordinateó foò linå segmentó tï composå characteró anä symboló froí botè occidentaì anä orientaì graphiã usage® Referencå 1® Hershey'ó datá appearó manù placeó. ILLUSTRATION ============ Create a file named, say, TEST.DES with just one line: s 841 Thió ió á Hersheù designatioî filå to associate aî ASCIÉ loweò caså ó witè Hersheù symboì 841® Noteó 1¬ 2¬ anä 3® Ruî prograí FONT® Thå followinç prompts¬ illustrateä witè uppeò case¬ anä responses¬ loweò case¬ follow: HERSHEY NAME: occident HERSHEY DESIGNATION FILE NAME: test.des FONT NAME: test12 X SCALE FACTOR: 1 Y SCALE FACTOR: 2 ROTATION CODE: 0 Afteò promptó anä replieó therå ió á pauså foò initializatioî - readinç datá filå indeø - anä theî FONÔ reportó designatioî filå lineó aó compositioî beginó foò eacè designateä character. Notes 4, 5, and 6. s 841 FONÔ processeó designatioî fileó againsô datá anä datá indeø fileó accordinç tï specifieä scalinç anä rotatioî parameteró tï producå á fonô datá file anä fonô datá index® Specifically¬ TEST12.FNT and TEST12.FND are generated for this case. Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 Š Run BANNER with prompts and responses shown: BANNER: ss FONT NAME: test12 and on the printer should appear: ************************** ************************** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ************************** ************************** ************************** ************************** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ************************** ************************** thaô is¬ á smalì squarå followeä bù á smalì square¬ anä banneò leadeò anä traileò pageó havå beeî suppresseä iî thió illustration® Also¬ thå distributioî versioî printó banneró 12¸ characteró widå sï lefô anä righô marginó arå suppresseä foò illustratioî aó well® Noteó ¸ anä 9. Supposå thå designatioî filå ió amendeä to: s 841 f 746 FONÔ ió ruî aó beforå buô witè ø scalå factoò 2¬ ù scalå factoò 3¬ anä fonô namå test23® Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 Š BANNEÒ ió ruî aó follows: BANNER: fs FONT NAME: test23 the following should print: ****** ******* ********* **** **** *** **** *** *** **** *** **** *** **** **** ******* ********* ***** ****************** ***** ************************* ******************** ************** *** *************** *** ************************ ***** *** *********** ********* ********* *** *********** ****** ***** *********************** ***** ***** *************** ***** **** *** ***** **** *** ***** ***** *************** ***** ***** *********************** ***** ********* *** *********** ****** ***** *** *********** ********* *** ************************ *** *************** ************** ******************** ************************* ******************** ***** ******* ********* ***** **** *** ***** **** *** **** *** *** **** *** *** **** ********* ******* ****** Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 Š *************************************** *************************************** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *************************************** *************************************** wherå thå fleuò då lió ió noô baä anä thå squarå isn'ô quite® Iæ FONÔ ió ruî agaiî witè onlù rotatioî codå changeä tï ± anä fonô namå test23ò theî BANNEÒ witè test23ò foò strinç 'f§ produces: Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 Š **** ****** ********** ***** ***** **** ***** **** ***** *** *** **** **** *** *** **** **** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** **** **** *** *** **** **** ********** *** *** ********** ************ **** **** ************ **** ***** *** *** **** ***** **** ***** **** **** **** ***** ******* **** *** *** **** ******* ********** **** **** **** **** ********** ******* *** *** *** *** ******* ***** *** **** **** *** ***** ******** *** *** ******** ******** *** *** ******** ********************************************* ********************************************* ****** *** *** ****** ****** *** *** ****** ***** *** *** ***** ***** **** **** ***** ***** **** **** ***** ****** **** **** ****** **** *** **** ***** *** **** ***** **** ***** ***** ********** ****** **** Fontó anä banneró usinç orientaì datá arå produceä similarly® Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 Š Create a designation file containing: b 6010 f 6011 r 6012 s 6013 u 6014 ruî FONÔ witè ø scalå ± anä ù scalå ³ withouô rotatioî anä namå the font OR13. Then run banner with string 'rf' to get: **** ******* ******* ***** **** *** *********** *** ******************* **** ******* ******* *** ***** **** ***** *** ********* **** ***** **** **** ************** ******** ********* **** ************* ************************************************************** ****************************************************** **** **** ***** ****** ****** ****** **** *** *********************************** **** ************************************************************* ************************************************************** ******* ********************* **** *** *** *** **** **** **** ***** ****** ******* ******** ******* **** Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 Š Iî ORIENT.DNÄ, Hershey'ó symboló 601² anä 601± designateä ò anä f¬ respectively¬ arå Hiraganá witè romanizeä spellinç sõ anä shi® Therefore¬ thå banneò sayó sushi¡ Whaô Japaneså worä woulä bå representeä bù concatenatinç Hersheù symboló 6010¬ 6039¬ 6020¬ and 6040? How would you banner yo-yo? Associatå ASCIÉ 'a§ witè orientaì symboì 878¬ ruî FONÔ witè ø scalå factoò 2¬ ù scalå factoò 3¬ anä rotatioî codå ± tï generatå fonô demo23r® Theî ruî BANNEÒ witè 'a§ tï get: **** ******** ********** *********** ********** **** ********* ****** ******** ********** ******** ************ ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* ********* ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******* ******* ****** ****** ******* ***** ********* ********* ************************************************* ************************************************** ************ ******** ************* ******* ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ***** ****** ****** ***** ****** ****** ***** ****** ****** ***** ****** ****** ***** ****** ****** ***** ****** ****** **** ****** ****** *** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****************************************** ****************************************** ****** ****** ****** ****** Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 ŠSUGGESTIONS =========== (1) Simpleø anä compleø fontó looë welì scaleä 1² oò 2³ withouô      rotation® Scripô lookó oë scaleä 13® Duplex¬ triplex¬ anä      gothiã looë welì scaleä 2´ withouô rotation® Occidentaì      fontó don'ô looë welì rotateä iæ uppeò anä loweò caså arå      mixed. (2) Oriental symbols look well scaled 23 and 34, both rotated. (3) Tï experimenô makå smalì *.DEÓ fileó witè nï morå thaî 3-µ      designationó tï previe÷ banneò appearance® Initializatioî      caî bå speedeä bù contracting Hersheù indeø fileó bù      eliminating irrelevant entries and descriptive strings. (4) Printeró witè variablå linå spacinç maù uså onå tï onå      scalinç iæ IBANNEÒ codå modifieä tï senä suitablå controì      codå sequencå tï printer. (5) For banneòs comprising severaì fontó oò speciaì symboló iô      maù bå simplesô tï makå onå fonô peò banner® FONÔ ignoreó      duplicate designations. (6) Foò scripô fontó, includinç PERSIAN¬ marginó maù bå      suppresseä entirelù bù skippinç uniô margiî restoratioî iî      margiî rectificatioî codå iî RCHAR.x. DEFICIENCIES ============ (1) Thå orientaì datá indeø informatioî painfullù displayó thå      author'ó ignorance® Á similaò probleí appearó iî PERSIAÎ      wherå thoså characteró withouô correspondinç Arabiã nameó      arå denoteä ?x(1)¬ ...¬ ?x(4© foò thå positionaì formó oæ      threå noî Arabiã characters¬ or witè descriptivå phraseó      likå 'ï witè hamza'® Theiò descriptioî fieldó begiî witè aî      asterisk. (2) Thå designatioî oæ regulaò spacå usinç ASCIÉ underbaò ió      awkward® (3) Fonô datá arraù associateä witè BANNEÒ ió memorù residenô      anä limiteä tï 3² KBytes® Gothiã fontó scaleä 2´ requirå      13-1´ KByteó sï correspondinç fontó scaleä 4´ woulä requirå      abouô 2¸ KBytes® Orientaì characteró havå higheò averagå      segmenô counts® ORIENT.DEÓ designateó 5² orientaì      characteró anä generateó 2° KBytå fonô datá file® Iæ alì      ASCIÉ graphiã characteró werå useä tï designatå orientaì      characteró anä thå fonô werå scaleä 4´ theî overflo÷ woulä      result and erroò messagå woulä appear® Presenô solutioî Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 Š     requireó contractioî oæ correspondinç DEÓ filå eveî thougè      memorù ió availablå foò largeò arraù becauså indeø offsetó      arå signeä integers® Uså oæ unsigneä integeró iî Ã prograí      versionó woulä allo÷ doublinç arraù size. (4) Occassionaì voidó dï appeaò iî filleä characters® Iæ voiä      tesô thresholä ió raiseä iî FCHAÒ theî unwanteä fillinç oæ      interioò acutå angleó caî appear. (5) Hershey'ó scripô characteró arå crafteä tï producå      attractivå spliceä characteró wheî runninç texô ió      displayed® Iî effect¬ thå marginó arå seô insidå thå      characteró tï overlað characteò boxeó foò cursivå anä italiã      overlap® FONÔ clipó becauså negativå linå feedó woulä bå      requireä foò BANNER. NOTES ===== (1) Foò  example¬  Hershey'ó  repertorù  oæ  occidentaì  symboló      includeó  á smalì square¬  Hersheù Numbeò #84± whicè maù  bå      diagrammed: ................................ ................................ .........-------------.......... -5 .........|...........|.......... .........|...........|.......... .........|...........|.......... .........|...........|.......... .........|...........|.......... y axis 0 .........|...........|.......... .........|...........|.......... .........|...........|.......... .........|...........|.......... .........|...........|.......... +5 .........|...........|.......... .........-------------.......... ................................ -5 0 +5 x axis      wherå eacè symboì ió aô á coordinatå griä point® Notå thaô      thå verticaì axió ió negativå upwards.  (2) Thå Hersheù datá foò thió symboì appears:      ...      840:-7 7:-1 -7:-4 -6:-6 -4:-7 -1:-7 1:-6 4:-4 6:-1 7:1 7:4 6:       :6 4:7 1:7 -1:6 -4:4 -6:1 -7:-1 -7:-64 -64:      841:-6 6:-6 -6:-6 6:6 6:6 -6:-6 -6:-64 -64:      842:-7 7:0 -8:-7 4:7 4:0 -8:-64 -64:      ... Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 Š      wherå 840¬ 841¬ anä 84² denotå beginninç oæ datá foò theiò      symbols® Foò eacè symbol¬ thå firsô coordinatå paiò denoteó      lefô anä righô margins¬ respectively® Thå speciaì      coordinatå paiò -6´ -64º denoteó enä oæ symbol® Anotheò      speciaì coordinatå paiò, noô showî iî theså exampleó, ió -6´      0º whicè denoteó enä oæ stroke® Thå terminologù ió segmentó      makå strokeó makå symbols® Eacè oæ theså symboló ió onå      stroke® Thaô is¬ theù could bå drawî withouô liftinç thå      drawinç instrument.  (3) Hershey'ó griä origiî lieó somewherå oî eacè symboì ratheò      thaî iî somå uppeò oò loweò corner® Therefore¬ iî somå      sense¬ thå coordinatå rangå ió open® However¬ Hersheù tooë      carå thaô alì symboló arå defineä oî -6´ ¼ ø ¼ 6´ anä -6´ ¼      ù ¼ 6´ hencå thå utilitù oæ coordinatå paiò codeó foò symboì      framinç noteä above® Mosô Hersheù symboló arå defineä      withiî thå rangeó -1¶ ¼ ø ¼ 1¶ anä -1¶ ¼ ù ¼ 16® Foò mosô      fontó thå tallesô characteró arå parentheses. (4) Notå thå differencå iî usagå betweeî á namå anä á filå name®      Wheî thå prograí promptó jusô á namå iô meanó that filå typå      extensionó arå assigned® Specifically¬ witè thió      distributioî therå arå twï Hersheù names¬ OCCIDENÔ anä ORIENT,      foò eacè oæ whicè therå arå twï fileó witè typeó DNÄ anä      DAT¬ respectively® DNÄ fileó arå Datá iNDiceó wherå Hersheù      numbers¬ datá filå record number¬ anä datá filå recorä offseô arå      recordeä alonç witè somå descriptivå information.      Usinç á ´ MHú Z-8° anä ramdisë witè TURBÏ Pascal¬ uð tï      fortù secondó ió requireä tï generatå thå fonô datá foò á      completå 2´ gothiã character® Thaô is¬ abouô halæ aî houò      foò GE.DEÓ oò GG.DEÓ witè ø scalå factor ² anä ù 4.      Therå arå 159´ symboló iî OCCIDENT¬ witè somå duplicates¬      anä 75¸ iî ORIENT® HEBRE× containó 4¹ symboló pluó spacå      anä PERSIAÎ containó 13µ pluó space® Thå datá indiceó givå      somå ideá oæ thå richnesó oæ theså repertories®      ORIENÔ ió mosô usefuì foò Japaneså anä includeó completå      katakaná anä hiraganá alphabetó alonç witè abouô siø hundreä      kanji® Japaneså commoî usagå requireó abouô twï thousanä      symboló sï Hershey'ó orientaì datá ió á comprehensivå      sampler® Moderî Chineså requireó abouô eighô thousanä kanjé      symbols® Comprehensivå Chineså symboì vectoò encodingó      suitablå foò uså iî applicationó likå Hersheù Banneò arå      giveî bù Referencå 2® Otheò symboló anä alphabetó includinç      Arabic¬ Armenian¬ moderî Persian¬ Hebrew¬ Scandinaviaî      Runes¬ anä Internationaì Phonetiã Alphabetó arå vectoò      encodeä and giveî bù Referencå 3® Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 Š (5) Hershey'ó datá ió defineä oî á squarå grid® Scalinç      parameteró compensatå foò printeò aspecô ratioó thaô arå noô      square® Standarä prinô ió 1° characteró peò incè anä ¶      lineó peò inch® Thå aspecô ratiï ió 10/¶ oò 5/³ oò abouô 2®      Therefore¬ iæ characteró arå stretcheä bù twï iî ù anä      printeä sidewayó oî thå thå papeò - bannerwiså - thå      appearancå ió abouô normal® Scalinç parameteró arå integeró      froí ± tï 4. Notå thaô scalinç parameteró refeò tï directioî oî thå papeò      - noô tï characteò orienteä axes® Iî mighô bå betteò tï      calì theí horizontaì anä verticaì scalå factoró ratheò thaî      ø anä y. (6) Rotatioî codå controló characteò orientation® Foò occidentaì      usagå banneró arå usuallù horizontaì with characteró      printeä sidewayó withouô rotation¬ sï rotatioî codå ió 0®      Orientaì banneró arå mostlù verticaì sï rotatioî codeó oæ ±      oò anythinç noô ° rotatå characteró througè 9° degreeó tï      producå uprighô characters® Onlù ° anä noô ° arå supporteä      bù thió release.  (7) Prograí modificatioî tï supporô reaì variablå scalinç ió      mostlù á matteò oò changinç severaì declarationó froí      integeò tï real® Modificatioî foò arbitrarù rotatioî      requireó onlù á littlå morå worë tï perforí á rotationaì      coordinatå transformatioî foò eacè coordinatå pair® Seå      Extensionó anä Adaptationó below.  (8) Notå thaô eacè symboì compriseó 1´ lineó bù 2¶ characters®      Thå datá filå anä diagraí sho÷ segmentó defineä -¶ <½ ø <½      6¬ sï 1³ lineó mighô bå expected® FONÔ useó aî overlaù      patterî thaô ió á functioî oæ ù scalå factor® Theså      patternó arå illustrateä below: y scale factor 1 2 3 4 overlay pattern * ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** (9) BANNEÒ ignoreó anù characteró noô defineä bù specifieä font. (10) A segment of OCCIDENT.DND is shown below: 800 78 13 horizontal Simplex line segments 32 801 78 21 30 oblique 802 78 29 60 oblique 803 78 37 vertical 804 78 45 120 oblique 805 78 53 150 oblique Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 Š 806 78 61 horizontal Simplex line segments 16 807 78 69 45 oblique 808 78 77 vertical 809 78 85 135 oblique 810 78 93 upper left Simplex 22 circle quadrants 811 78 111 lower left 812 79 1 lower right 813 79 19 upper rignt      wherå firsô columî ió Hersheù number¬ seconä columî ió      recorä numbeò foò indexinç datá file¬ anä thirä columî ió      offseô iî indexeä record® Thå fourtè columî nameó symboì      anä lasô columî indicateó clasó anä sizå foò symbol®      Classeó includå simplex¬ complex¬ gothic¬ etc® anä principaì      sizeó arå 21¬ 13¬ anä 9® Classeó indicatå numbeò oæ      paralleì strokeó composinç symboló anä whetheò serifó      appear® Sizå indicateó rougè verticaì extenô oî Hersheù      grid. A similar excerpt from ORIENT.DND appears below: 6046 661 34 (w)i " 6047 662 7 (w)u " 6048 662 83 (w)e " 6049 663 88 (w)o " 6050 664 67 n " 6055 664 126 ka' Nigori - Hiragana with diacritical ' 6056 665 112 ki' " 6057 666 81 ku' " 6058 666 127 ke' "      wherå fourtè columî showó romanizatioî anä lasô columî      shows alphabet class. See Reference 4. EXTENSIONS & ADAPTATIONS ======================== (1) Tï producå simplå linå drawingó withouô overlaù oò filì jusô      replacå thå PadOverlaù calló witè SetPaä calló iî routinå      Dra÷ iî UFONÔ anä bypasó thå FCHAÒ calì iî XFONT. (2) Tï producå negativå imagå characteò banneró twï changeó arå      necessary® First¬ iî RCHAÒ bypasó emptù linå traileò tesô      iî fonô generation® Second¬ iî LCHAÒ interchangå roleó oæ      BlankChaò anä DisplayChaò foò banneò printing® Manù otheò      effects are easily achieved. (3) Tï producå outpuô aô consolå ratheò thaî oî printeò twï      changeó arå necessary® First¬ iî banneò constantó - eitheò      BANNER.È oò BANNER.COÎ - changå PageWidtè tï 7¹ oò whateveò      ió appropriate® Thå valuå 7¹ guardó againsô autï newlinå oî      8° columî terminals® Second¬ iî LBANNEÒ anä LCHAÒ changå      LSÔ tï CON® Thió ió á quicë changå tï geô banneò preview®      It clips banner output to 79 columns. Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 Š (4) Iæ fontó arå tï bå produceä foò displaù oî widthó differenô      froí 12¸ theî changå thå yStripeî anä yStripeø parameteró iî      FONT.È oò FONT.COÎ dependinç oî version® Nominaì valueó arå      -6´ anä 63¬ respectively® Foò á 7¹ characteò widå terminaì      oò printeò seô theí tï -3¹ 3¹ respectively®      YStripå parameteró controì windo÷ heighô anä characteò      marginó controì windo÷ widtè froí whicè PAÄ datá ió      rastorizeä foò display® Manipulatioî oæ theså parameteró      shiftó anä clipó thå object tï bå printed. (5) Wheî thå abovå moä makeó senså theî changeó tï prinô banneró      iî twï oò morå stripeó witè practicallù unlimiteä characteò      heighô wilì bå apparent® Onlù storagå allocatioî anä      dimensioî controló foò PAÄ neeä tï bå harmonizeä witè      yStripå boundó tï producå fontó foò multiple stripes.  (6) Á quicë ShowFonô utilitù maù bå readilù deriveä froí BANNEÒ      witè twï changes® First¬ bypasó banneò strinç prompô iî      IBANNEÒ anä modifù looð iî LBANNEÒ tï steð througè ASCIÉ      graphiã codeó ¨ 3³ - 12¶ © ratheò thaî indeø banneò strinç      tï geô character for LCHAR. DISTRIBUTION ============ Thió releaså compriseó fouò maiî fileó tï supporô twï different languages and two different operating systems:      CP/M library files ala LU; HB14C.LBR HB Version 1.4 CP/M Eco-C HB14T.LBR HB Version 1.4 CP/M TURBO Pascal      MS-DOS library files ala ARC; HB14C.ARC HB Version 1.4 MS-DOS Eco-C88 HB14T.ARC HB Version 1.4 MS-DOS TURBO Pascal Theså versionó arå nï differenô thaî ió necessarù tï geô theí tï run® Foò example¬ yStripeî anä yStripeø iî TURBÏ versionó becomå ynStripå anä yxStripå iî Eco-Ã becauså CP/Í Eco-Ã truncateó identifieò strings® Eacè versioî includeó thå followinç prograí fileó witè dependencieó denoteä bù indentation: FONT.x FONT main program. IFONT.ø Initializeº Collecô nameó anä parameteò valueó anä opeî anä initializå requireä files. XFONT.x eXtend font. PCHAR.ø Ploô anä overlaù characteò usinç Bresenham's algorithm. Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 Š FCHAR.x Fill character ala Game of Life. RCHAR.ø Rastorizå characteò using ruî lengtè encoding. FFONT.x Finalize. Flush buffers and close files. UFONT.x Utility routines. BANNER.x BANNER main program. IBANNER.x Initialize. LBANNER.x List banner. LCHAR.x List character. wherå 'x§ denoteó 'c' or 'pas§. Also¬ relevanô headeò '.h§ oò $I(nclude© fileó '.con'¬ 'typ'¬ anä '.var§ arå provided® Thå datá fileó releaseä are: OCCIDENT.DND Hershey's Occidental Character Repertory OCCIDENT.DAT Index and Data Files. ORIENT.DND Hershey's Oriental Character Repertory ORIENT.DAT Index and Data Files. HEBREW.DND GROAT System Complex Hebrew Index and HEBREW.DAT Data Files. Reference 3. PERSIAN.DND GROAT System Simplex Persian Index and PERSIAN.DAT Data Files. and designation files with this distribution are: OCCIDENT.DES Hershey occidental sampler. CC.DES Compleø Cyrillic® ASCIÉ codå assignmentó                     corresponä tï cyrilliã overlaù oî author'ó                     flea festival keyboard® Thió ió arbitrary. CS.DES Compleø Script® Scripô typå fontó havå lonç                     descenders® Oî Hershey'ó rasteò CÓ runó froí                     -1³ tï 2± vertical® Therefore¬ ù scalå                     factoró greateò thaî ³ producå clippeä fonts. GE.DES         Gothiã English® Workó welì scaleä 2´ wherå ²                     is x scale factor and 4 is y scale factor. GG.DES         Gothiã German® Backslasè designateó terminaì                     ó. Ligatureó foò sú anä tú ignored. TI.DES         Triplex Italic Roman. TR.DES         Triplex Roman. Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 Š CH.DES Compleø Hebrew® Filì algorithí haó difficultù                     witè thió fonô anä produceó aî interestinç                     outlinå effect. SP.DES Simpleø Persian® Designationó assigned¬ wherå                     possible¬ iî accorä witè Referencå 6¬ pagå 9·                     virtuaì keyboarä overlay. MC.DES 'microcomputer§ Persian® Designatioî file                     tï producå banneò foò 'microcomputer§ wheî                     banner string 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP' entered. ORIENT.DES Hershey oriental sampler. Gothiã anä tripleø designatioî fileó uså ASCIÉ careô foò Hersheù primå symboì anä ASCIÉ tildå foò Hersheù degreå symbol® Further¬ ASCIÉ quotatioî symboì ió reallù Hershey'ó doublå prime like 6 inches denoted 6". Á filå nameä GENERIC.DEÓ ió includeä whicè simplù listó ASCIÉ graphiã characters. Fonô datá anä indeø fileó releaseä witè thió distributioî are intended for 128 column display: OC24.FND¬ OC24.FNÔ - occidental sampler scaleä 2´ withouô rotation» anä OR34R.FND¬ OR34R.FNÔ - orientaì sampleò scaleä 3´ witè rotation. Extra font files are released with MS-DOS version on data disk. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT =============== Thå authoò thankó Dr® Josepè Hilsenratè foò encouragemenô anä sharinç accesó tï á widå rangå oæ Hersheù relateä referencå material. Appreciation to Dr. Hershey is obvious. REFERENCES ========== (1) A Contribution to Computer Typesetting Techniques: Tables of Coordinates for Hershey's Repertory of Occidental Type Fonts and Graphic Symbols N.M. Wolcott and J. Hilsenrath National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 424 April 1976 Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 Š (2) CETA Standard Cross Reference File      CETA - Chinese English Translation Assistance Group      3910 Knowles Avenue      Post Office Box 400      Kensington, Maryland 20895-0400      CETA'ó Standarä Crosó Referencå Filå containó informatioî      for about 16,500 characters including:       Standard telecode number       Radical number       Residual strokes       Pinyin romanization       Wade-Giles romanization       Yale romanization       Tone       Character drawing vectors      Thió ió jusô onå oæ severaì fileó maintaineä bù CETA® Thió      onå deriveó froí worë aô Harvarä Universitù usinç á methoä      bù Dr® Susumõ Kunï tï encodå abouô 800° characteró iî      traditional form.  (3) GROAT System Character Sets      Rutherford Appleton Laboratory      Chilton, DIDCOT, Oxon      OX11 0QX      England      Dr. Kate M. Crennell  (4) The Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character Dictionary      Andrew Nelson C. E. Tuttle 1962 (5) The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language      ed. W. Morris      Houghton Mifflin Co.      1976      Table of Alphabets      page 38 (6) Multilingual Word Processing Joseph D. Becker Scientific American July 1984 page 96 et seq Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 ŠNOTICES ======= CP/M (C) Digital Research MS-DOS (C) Microsoft TURBO Pascal (C) Borland International Eco-C & Eco-C 88 (C) Ecosoft LU - Library Utility (C) Gary P. Novosielski ARC - ARChive Utility (C) System Enhancement Associates Copyright (C) 1986 Adam Fritz, 133 Main St., Afton, N.Y. 13730 Š