program Gem_Print; var ZZ, CHAR, PITCH, LINEF, LMAR, RMAR : integer; XX : string[1]; procedure Clear_Screen; begin clrscr; gotoXY(1,5); end; procedure Enter_Sel; begin writeln; writeln('Enter the appropriate number for'); writeln('your selection...'); end; procedure Title_Screen; begin Clear_Screen; writeln('Gem Print Support Program V1.2'); writeln('by Ted Watkins 03/20/87'); writeln; writeln('Setup program for the Gemini 10x'); writeln('printer.'); writeln; writeln; writeln; writeln('Press RETURN to continue...'); readln(XX); end; procedure Char_Setup; begin Clear_Screen; writeln('Print Style Setup'); writeln;writeln; writeln('1 - Standard Print'); writeln('2 - Italic Print Style'); Enter_Sel; readln(ZZ); if ZZ = 1 then CHAR := 53 else CHAR := 52; end; procedure Pitch_Setup; begin Clear_Screen; writeln('Print Pitch Setup'); writeln;writeln; writeln('1 - Pica (10 characters per inch)'); writeln('2 - Elite (12 characters per inch)'); writeln('3 - Condensed (17 characters per inch)'); Enter_Sel; readln(PITCH); end; procedure Line_Feed; begin Clear_Screen; writeln('Line Feed Setup'); writeln;writeln; writeln('1 - 8 Lines per inch'); writeln('2 - 7 Lines per inch'); writeln('3 - 6 Lines per inch'); Enter_Sel; readln(ZZ); if ZZ = 1 then LINEF := 18; if ZZ = 2 then LINEF := 21; if ZZ = 3 then LINEF := 24; end; begin CHAR := 53; PITCH := 1; LINEF := 24; Title_Screen; repeat; Clear_Screen; writeln('Gem Print Main Menu'); writeln; writeln('A - Character Selection'); writeln(' (default - Standard)'); writeln('B - Pitch Selection'); writeln(' (default - 10 characters per inch)'); writeln('C - Line Feed Selection'); writeln(' (default - 6 lines per inch)'); writeln('E - Make changes and exit program'); writeln; writeln('Enter the appropriate letter for'); writeln('your selection...'); readln(XX); if XX = 'A' then Char_Setup; if XX = 'B' then Pitch_Setup; if XX = 'C' then Line_Feed; until XX = 'E'; writeln(Lst, chr(27),chr(CHAR)); writeln(Lst, chr(27),chr(66),chr(PITCH)); writeln(Lst, chr(27),chr(51),chr(LINEF)); writeln(Lst); Clear_Screen; end.