TITLE: HL.DOC (HEADLINE.DOC) AUTHOR: Robert C. Kuhman Sysop of the "Cro'sNest" (c)1982 RCP/M - RBBS. PURPOSE: Brief description of files associated with the "HEADLINE" program. HEADLINE prints 5 X 7 matrix block titles - up to 7 lines of up to 16 characters. DISCUSSION: Refer to the introductory text in the file "HEADLINE.ASM". FILES: 1) HL.DOC (This file) 2) HL.CRC (CRC check-list using CRC.COM) 3) HL080.COM (Ready-to-go for 80 column printer) 4) HL132.COM (Ready-to-go for 132 column printer) 5) HEADLINE.ASM (8080/Z80 CP/M 2.2 source code) 6) SUB.SUB (SUBMIT file to patch "SUBMIT.COM") 7) DEMO.SUB (Demonstration of character set) 8) HEADLINE.SUB (Print 5x7 block title for listing) 9) HEADLINE.LBR (Library file containing all files) 10) CRC.COM (CRC reference check program v5.0) REVISIONS: This document written by the author on 11/12/83. *END of DOC*