Bugs in EP. Oct. 30, 1984 -- Greg Lee A "node" specified in the very first output line, or before that line, is misplaced (it's put on the preceding page). Multiple conditional hyphens in a single word cause confusion when EP attempts a line break at any hyphen after the first. Sometimes no hyphen is printed, and if it is, it may stick out past the right margin. A soft hyphen in a $kern string should be ignored, but it isn't. Of course one wouldn't type one in, since it wouldn't make sense, but one could be inserted if you're using a program to insert soft hyphens. The presence of a $heading, maybe combined with the beginning-page command, and the presence of a duplex font may cause weird scrambling of lines at the top of a page. I don't understand this. Text files are always treated as though they ended with a CR-LF, whether or not they actually do. This is not a bug, but you might need to know about it when using embedded files. The top parts of aligned small characters that are italicized or bent are not printed properly. Regular eight point characters on the same line as tall characters are not printed properly when the character-height has been set to 24 points or more (for duplex characters, the figure is 48 points or more). I am not going to be able to fix this. Duplex characters are affected by the setting of character-height. For character-heights of: 8 points or less - they are printed at 16 points (just as for a setting of 16 points) more than 8, less than 16 points - less space is left between lines, but the characters are not reduced in size 16 points - normal 17 to 32 points - they are vertically stretched up to the appropriate size 48 to 96 points - they are vertically stretched up to the appropriate size The above is a statement of a program extension -- not a bug. Now here are the bugs: Raised duplex characters are not correctly italicized or bent. Tall characters on the same output line as duplex characters, for character-heights greater than 16 points, are stretched up to only half the character-height specified.