;;BRADFORD (or ZEX, or the combination) is fussy about how some of the ;;responses are delivered. Thus, not every response has been able to ;;be on its own line in the following series of commands. ';;' is the ;;comment signifier for ZEX: anything after that on the same line isn't ;;read by ZEX a0: ;;bradford must be run from A (where its font files must be) bradford ;;bradford allows no command line parameters B:$1 ;;first asks for the file to be printed ;;notice that I presume the file to be printed in on B: 0 ;;then wants to know which user area it is in 1 ;;number of copies to be made C ;;type of printer? this is Epson FX series 2 ;;width of each character? 2 is normal 1$2 ;;strength of impression? 1 is normal ;;$2 ;;which font? you supply on the command line l ;;how to fit text on page: L is left-justified y ;;proportional spacing? n ;;number pages? n ;;cut sheets? y ;;left and right margins? y ;;top and bottom margins? y. ;;WordStar command file? (safest to say yes) ;;. ;;WordStar command character? y ;;yes, everything is just fine b0: ;;end up back on B: