WSKP.DOC These three files will allow the user to redefine the numeric keypad on a Kaypro Computer and then execute the WS.COM program automatically. After leaving WS.COM, a submit file will reset the keypad to the original values. The keypad definitions can be found by using WSKPCONF.COM. Read the present settings and determine if they will be useful to you and change them using this program if necesssary. To use WordStar with the redefined keypad, type WSKP on your CP/M command line. Everything else will be taken care of for you. One drawback... WSKP must be invoked from the A drive and all the WordStar utility files must be on the A drive. Just use the L command in WordStar to set the default drive to B if that is where your files are. If you are using a hard disk system and would like to have WordStar available on any drive/user area by just placing one copy of WordStar and associated files in one area, get SETDRU and read the documentation. It sure beats 16 copies of everything!!! Mike