TYPEKP4.DOC TYPEKP4.BAS is a reconfigured version of the TTYPE3.BAS program.I have had to reset the clear screen sequence, and install the proper video sequences for inverse,and half intensity.The accompanying help,keyboard,and exercise files needed to have bit 7 reset, which was done with the program BIT7.COM. I was looking for a typing tutor program and came across this one.You must have MBASICtm to run this program.I feel that this is one of the better typing tutor programs available for CPM. TTYPE3.BAS version 2.0 APRIL 16,1982 TYPEKP84.BAS version 1.0 , revised MARCH 19,1988 RONALD NADEAU LEWISTON,MAINE Phone:207-786-4474 (voice) END