These two programs allow for quick configuration of the serial modem port and serial printer ports on Kaypros. Usage: SETMDM Speed,BPC,Parity,STB ...for the modem port SETPRN Speed,BPC,Parity,STB ...for the printer port Where: Speed is the baud rate. (from 50 to 19200) BPC is the number of bits per character (5,6,7, or 8) Parity is 'E' (even) 'O' (odd) 'N' (none) STB the number of stop bits (1 or 2) Example: To set the modem port with baud rate 1200, 8 bits per character, no parity, and 1 stop bit, say: SETMDM 1200,8,N,1 To leave a parameter unchanged, say: SETMDM 1200,,N,1 (leaves bits per character unchanged ) Note: You cannot change parity and stop bits independently of each other, since they occupy the same write-only register in the SIO chip. Therefore, if unspecified, Parity is None and Stop bits is one. However, if both are unspecified, they are not changed. Also, due to constraints in programming the SIO registers, the following configuration is used in the SIO. If bits per character are specified, then: - Receive is enabled; Transmit is enabled; DTR and RTS set active; "Auto Enables" is disabled. If parity or stop bits is specified then: - X16 clock mode is used (This is mandatory anyway). Mark Frank Birmingham, Alabama