;; PHN.DOC (v2.1) 12/05/85 Eric Gans French Dep't UCLA Los Angeles, CA 90024 As opposed to the previously released version 1.0, PHN21 is a dialer as well as a number-lister. A few other features have been added: the phone list can be sent to the printer and a BAK file is made of the previous version if new numbers are added, plus a few minor improvements. * * * In the first place, PHN allows you to maintain an alphabetical phone list. It is its own data file and so loads and responds to commands very fast. Any changes made to the phone list are saved to disk within the file, and a BAK file is made of the previous version. The dialer was written for the Kaypro-10 using an Anchor Mark XII (1200/300) modem, the codes of which I believe are Hayes-compatible. (If someone wants to give me a Hayes I'll be glad to test it.) Since specific port addresses are used (I wouldn't trust CP/M to handle these), the dialer won't work with another machine. (If anyone has suggestions for generalizing the program, I'd be happy to oblige.) The phone code may be any set of up to 7 characters; the phone number has a maximum of 14 (enough for 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx). Any letters and other signs may be entered within the phone number area (e.g. 555-9999x123); the dialer will check for undialable characters. Lowercase letters in the code section will be folded to upper case. to set a code: blurk=123-4567 clear a code: blurk= get a number: blurk = 123-4567 <-- program output list all #'s: = send list to printer: $ erase all numbers: # help message: ? CR to exit program dialing: either * or + Thus if your list contains ZAP =555-5555 you can dial the number by entering either *zap or +555-5555 There is no "garbage collection" for killed codes, but at 21 bytes per number, the file will remain small unless you have a few thousand numbers to call. The phone list is in alphabetized columns.