The version of OKP (Outliner) found here is identical to that in the previous release. However, this library now includes an extensive DOC file and an extensive command outline, as well as video addresses. Below are descriptions of the included files from the author, David A. Usher, (edited to reflect updated files). -- Bill Duerr OKP*.COM - This program is an outline processor. This version runs on Kaypros with video attributes (like the 2x). I have also compiled versions for Godbout with VC4404 terminal, Morrow, Bondwell-2, and the Osborne-1. See the file FUNCTION.OTL for a list of commands (like WordStar). The file TODISK10.COM is to save your work if something bombs. It ran to 184K of Z80 assembly code. Have fun. D.A.U. TODISK10.COM - This file is a utility for use with OKP.COM (an outline processor). If you are in the middle of creating an outline with OKP, and the computer bombs, try hitting reset, and immediately run TODISK10. This utility will try to save your work to disk. Have a look at it with OKP to see if it is usable. Last resort. . . COMMANDS.OTL - This file is an outline file for the Outliner program OKP.COM (You can tell by its extension of .OTL). It contains a list of the commands available in OKP. To see them, run OKP and at the main menu, choose P (print a file), and supply the filename FUNCTION, answer 5 for the level, and Y or N for the +/- flags (as in ThinkTank). Or you could choose D, and see it on your screen. TEST.OTL - A practice outline. All outlines produced by Outliner have the extension .OTL.