100 ' MVKUG RBBS RCP/M (714) 581-1556 110 ' 120 ' Notes by Randy Tincher, SYSOP of MVKUG 130 ' This short program punches this 25th status line of the Kaypro. 140 ' This program will work ONLY on a Kaypro with Video abilities. 150 ' 160 PRINT CHR$(27);"B6" 'B6=Remember current cursor position 170 PRINT CHR$(27);"B7"; 'B7=Status line preservation on 180 PRINT CHR$(27);"B0" 'B0=Inverse Video On 190 PRINT CHR$(27);"=8 "; 200 PRINT CHR$(27);"B1" 'B1=Inverse Dim video ON 210 PRINT " This message is printed on the 25th status line of the "; 220 PRINT "Kaypro Computer " 230 PRINT CHR$(27);"C6" 'C6=Return to last cursor position 240 PRINT CHR$(27);"C1" 'C1=Dim Inverse OFF 250 PRINT CHR$(27);"C0" 'C0=Reverse video stop 260 PRINT CHR$(26):FOR X=1 TO 12:PRINT:NEXT X 270 PRINT SPACE$(29);CHR$(27);"B3";" ALL DONE " 280 PRINT CHR$(27);"C3"