* kp-cls.asm * clear screen/25th line/restore cursor - for video-able kaypros * also toggles all video attributes OFF (defaults) * v1.0 24-Oct-84 * v1.1 05-Jul-85 Added stack save/restore code * Steve Sanders * Tampa Bay Kaypro Users Group * DataCOM NETWORK System #1 (813) 937-3608 300/1200/2400 bps bdos equ 5 printf equ 9 esc equ 1bh org 100h begin: lxi h,0 ;save old stack dad sp shld cpmstk ;store it in a safe place lxi sp,stack+5 ;generate new stack mvi c,printf ;print string command lxi d,clear ;point to message call bdos ;and do it lhld cpmstk ;get old stack sphl ;switch into stack pointer ret ;and exit 'cleanly' to CP/M ; following console msg will reset all attributes to default clear: db esc,'B4' ;ESCape, cursor ON (if OFF) db esc,'C0' ;inverse video OFF db esc,'C1' ;half intensity OFF db esc,'C2' ;blinking OFF db esc,'C3' ;underlining OFF db esc,'C7' ;disable status line before 1ah db 1ah ;and clear whole screen/home cursor db '$' ;thats all folks cpmstk dw 0 ;old stack saved here ds 5 stack equ $ end