KP2-EDIT Fullscreen Editor -------------------------- This is a fullscreen, memory based editor which is functionally identical to the one I distributed in KP-EDIT.LBR. The only difference is that this version does not use any of the 'fancy' screen capabilities of the '84 KAYPROs like reverse video and underlining - it should therefore run fine on earlier KAYPROs which use the ADM 3A type screen. Since I stripped the unnecessary functions out the size was further reduced by a couple of bytes to below 5700 bytes now, and the patch locations for the printer initialization string and the printer page length are relocated to: 0111h Printer Initialization String 0119h Page Length Enjoy!! And let me know of any problems. Ulrich H. Steinberg Tel. (212) 536-1697 (914) 635-8592