I2FUNC information for use with IMP 07/17/85 This program has been adapted from one originally written by Sigi Kluger for the MDM7 series. It is used to change any of the 10 function key assignments for the IMP modem program. Function keys can do very nice things, like automatically type a string of characters you often use, such as DIR *.* $U0AD, or XMODEM S, or KMD R , the name and password you use for varius RCPM systems you may use frequently, all sorts of similar things that will immediately come to mind. USING THE FUNCTION KEYS ----------------------- You transmit the contents of a function key by typing first the INTERCEPT CHARACTER, then a digit 0...9. The INTERCEPT CHARACTER is an unique character which tells IMP that a function key command follows. It currently set to ESC. It could as easily be CTL-A, or 'circumflex' or 'right brace', for example. In the distribution version of IMP, the following keys are defined (substitute your own lead-in character for the ESC if not the same.) ESC 1 DIR ESC 2 DIR *.* $U0AD ESC 3 KMD R ESC 4 KMD S ESC 5 XMODEM R ESC 6 XMODEM S ESC 7 BYE ESC 8 CBBS ESC 9 (vacant) ESC 0 Nice chatting, see you again soon... (Function keys 3-6 have no trailing CR). ROOM AVAILABLE -------------- A total of 256 bytes are reserved for the function key defini- tion. Each definition takes up the number of bytes in the string, PLUS 2 more. Note that you must not enclose any control characters in the definitions (CR is allowed and is optional). ALTERING THE FUNCTION KEYS -------------------------- In order to not increase the size of IMP considerably, I2FUNC may be used. It is virtually self-explanatory and has its own built-in short help guide. I2NM-1.ASM may also be used to alter the function key assignment with your local editor, if you wish. - Irv Hoff