Date: Friday, 19 April 1985 From: Dick McGee Re: Z-100 question >The machine seems unwilling to accept escape sequences, particularly >the one for enabling auto linewrap which is mentioned only in passing >in the egredious Z-dos user manual. I found this technique in REMark, the Heath Users Group Magazine. The trick is to imbed the escape sequences in a text file and then do a TYPE filename to invoke the sequence. An undocumented feature of EDLIN the line editor is that when in the insert mode pressing the F8 key inserts an ESC ( ^[ is the symbol for ESCape) into the file. The sequence to invoke wrap is ESCv The sequence to invoke nowrap is ESCw A sample EDLIN session is: A:EDLIN WRAP. (Note the period after WRAP) EDLIN Version 1.02 New File *I 1*v 2* *E A:TYPE WRAP A: (line wrapping now on) Now make a file called NOWRAP substituting w for v Other sequences are NOCLICK ESCx2 CLICK ESCy2 This is for ZDOS but I have done similar things on the CPM side. You can use a screen editor if it has the capability of inserting (usually called quoting) control characters. Richard McGee