MTRACK.DOC This program computes data for the tracking of polar orbiting sattelites. Its main use is for the Amateur Radio operator who uses the several amateur sattelites which are in polar orbits. Required inputs The program will ask for data with which to initialize computation. This data is available from the American Radio Relay League in their monthly magazine 'QST'. Other data required will be the operators latitude and longi- tude. And time of day in GMT. Outputs There are two forms of output from the program. 1. Fast mode: No data is displayed on the CRT. The printer will display minute by minute data for a period of time set by the user. This will allow the operato operator to see if the sattelite will be in access range at a time that he will be at the radio. 2. Slow or regular mode: All data is displayed on screen as text and a graphic overlay of the United States. The position of the sattelite is displ- ayed and updated on the minute. When the sattelite position is within 10 degrees of the operator longitude an alarm is sounded, alerting the operator. Notes The timing of the program is noted with a remark statement. If your timing is not quite right then change the wait loop. If you have any questions or problems leave a message on the BB Curtis (Curt if you please) Tooley 70575,1320 Have fun with this play with it, I've been playing with it on and off for 3 years. Enjoy.