(LIST/LOG.LBR) HAMLOG.DOC Documentation for HAMLOG.BAS, an MBASIC program March 86 WB6CGW Purpose: HAMLOG.BAS is an Amateur Radio logging program. It can be used for contests or day to day logging. It is patterned after CONTEST.BAS by W0XI which was modified by KA5OIT and called SUPERDUP.BAS. Operation: Call sign, RST, time and comments are entered for each contact. When entered, these fields become a record in a log which can be viewed, edited, searched, saved and erased. Logs can also be loaded from disk. Operation is menu driven but a few comments are in order. See lines 0-100 and replace my call and band of operation with yours. This is the call of the control operator and band normally worked. This call and band are entered as the first record in the log. When the program is run a date is requested. If you have an Osborne with the J.G. Communications clock, enter and time and date will be automatic. Otherwise enter the date in the following format. yy/mm/dd This date becomes part of the filename when a log is saved to disk using the date save feature. (It is also possible to save the log under any valid CPM filename.) Next the program will pause to allow you to change the call or band of operation if it is different than the default. If the date was entered wrong just start over. After initializing the date, control operator and band, the program is ready to accept the call of the first contact. (Note that the first contact is the second entry in the log.) You may now enter M or to get to the main menu. All operations other than entering contact information are accessed from the main menu. You may also enter ? to get a help menu, C to toggle the clock on and off and D to toggle Duplicate Check on and off. Otherwise enter the CALL, RST, Time and any comments. Again you will be prompted to accept. A Y or will accept and continue to the next contact while N will allow you to re-enter the contact. The following operations are available from the main menu: 1. - CREATE LOG (just described) 2. - VIEW LOG 3. - EDIT LOG Editing in this case means re-entering the incorrect entry. To skip over a correct entry just hit and the item will remain unchanged.(At any prompt results in the default value.) Note that the call of the control operator is logged with a dash at the front. If you edit the call of the control operator don't forget to add this dash or the control op will be counted as a contact. A deleted record remains in the log until the log is saved to disk. A deleted record may be restored by editing and removing the delete mark, * , from field one. 4. - SEARCH CALL The program will request a string to search. You can enter one to eighteen characters. For example to find all the N7s' worked enter N7 at the prompt. 5. - CHANGE DISK If you wish to save a log on a disk other than the disks currently in use, hit 5 at the menu and you will be prompted to change disks. After changing disks hit any key and the disk drives will be reset. If you fail to do this, CPM will detect the change and dump you out of basic and back to the CPM prompt. The log in memory will be lost or, if you know how, difficult to recover. 6. - CHANGE OPERATOR/BAND When the control operator or band are changed, the new information is entered into the log. 7. - ERASE LOG 8. - READ LOG FROM DISK This makes it possible to keep a contiguous log. Logs read in are added to the log all ready in memory. If you wish to start with the log from the previous day, erase the log in memory first. Then after reading in the log use #6 to enter the current control op and band. 9. - WRITE LOG TO DISK When prompted hit to save the log with the date entered when the program was initialized. Otherwise enter a valid CPM filename. If the filename is all ready on disk it will renamed with the extension auto date feature the log will be saved under the name LGYYMMDD.000. If another log is saved on the same day it will be saved as LGYYMMDD.001 etc. In this way it is possible to save up to 64 logs without worrying about file names. 0. - EXIT TO BASIC Don't use ^C to end the program because the log in memory will be lost. Selecting 0 from the menu gives you a chance to change your mind and also resets the error checking routine so MBASIC is again in control. G - COLLECT GARBAGE When the program runs out of string space, MBASIC will delete old strings no longer used. This is called garbage collecting and can take anywhere from a few seconds to over a minute. By selecting G at the menu you can force a garbage collection at your leisure.