PROGRAM ConnectedWeb; VAR a0,r0,d,a9,a,r,x,y : real; i,j,k,l,n,p : integer; {$i diablo.lib } BEGIN writeln('This program, connected web, was developed and coded by'); writeln('Joe Jacobson, and is based on a suggestion by Chris'); writeln('Kuebler. Parameter N gives the # of vertices. P gives the'); writeln('# of imaginary tic markes on each vertex axis. A0 is the'); writeln('initial rotation angle. R0 is the overall radius. The'); writeln('overlay enhances the picture. For example, try:'); writeln('(N,P,A0,R0)=(16,20,0,50) and request an overlay when asked.'); writeln('This gives a fairly neat pattern.'); writeln; write('Enter N,P,A0,R0. '); readln(n,p,a0,r0); write('Enter 1 for single pattern, 2 for overlay.'); readln(k); d := r0/p; a9 := 360/n; init_diablo; FOR l := 1 TO k DO BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO p-1 DO FOR j := 0 TO n DO BEGIN a := (a0+j*a9)*3.141592/180; r := ((p-i)*(j and 1)+(i+1)*((j+1) and 1))*(d); x := (250+r*cos(a)); y := (250+r*sin(a)); IF j=0 THEN plot(round(x),round(y)) ELSE drawto(round(x),round(y)) END; a0 := a0 + a9/2 END; reset_diablo END.