Thió librarù includeó severaì Fielä Bulletinó thaô pertaiî tï thå TeleVideï TS803¬ TS803è anä TPC± computers® Theså bulletinó werå downloadeä froí thå TeleVideï BBÓ (408-734-8561)® Thå fileó included in this library are: 1. -READ.ME This file 2. FB19.TQT Adding Expansion Memory 3. FB20.TQT TS803 ETX/ACK Printer 4. FB21.TQT TS803 Changing Baud Rate 5. FB28.TQT TS803(h) Memory Expansion 6. FB30.TQT TS803(h), TCP1 Modem Port 7. FB32.TQT TS803(h) Dip Switch Settings É hopå thaô thió informatioî wilì bå oæ somå uså tï you® É aí alwayó interesteä iî additionaì informatioî anä softwarå foò thå TeleVideï TS803(h© anä TPC± computers® É caî bå contacteä oî thå TIME-=X=-CHANGÅ BBÓ (213-329-3922© oò P.O.Boø #2186¬ Inglewood¬ CA 90305. Ed Grey 07/04/87 **************************************************************** **************************************************************** 07/25/87 Addeä thå followinç filå anä informatioî tï thå TV803FB.LBÒ anä changeä thå namå tï TV803FB1.LBR® Fielä Bulletiî #2² ió no÷ included. 8. FB22.TQT TS803 Synchronous Communications Additionallù therå arå severaì otheò TeleVideï Fielä Bulletinó (thaô pertaiî tï thå TS803(h© anä TCP1© whicè werå noô obtainablå iî electroniã format. These are the following: a) FB29 TS803(h) Blank Screen Condition TS803(h), TCP1 System Lockup "Patches to correct a condition in the 803, 803H, and TCP1 unitó (BIOÓ 1.5¬ 1.1¬ anä 1.° respectively© thaô resultó iî the unit hanging up, reseting, or otherwise behaving unpredictably." Patches are included in the Field Bulletin. b) FB33 TS803h Hard Drive Replacement c) FB34 TS803h Diagnostics for RODIME HD Drive Thå followinç TeleVideï Tele-Alert'ó alsï havå TS803(h© information: A) TA13 TS803 Head-Load Settlement Time Thió ió á patcè tï extenä delaù timå foò head-loaä settlement. Cures BDOS errors due to timing problems and should be installed on all TS803 products. The patch applies Š to TS803 CP/M diskettes, version 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2. B) TA19 TS803h Hard Disk Read Errors TS803h CP/M System Software 1.4 F Alì oæ thå Fielä Bulletinó anä Tele-Alert'ó thaô arå listeä iî thió librarù arå availablå from: TeleVideo Systems, Inc 1170 Morse Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Phone: 1-800-826-9320 (voice) 1-408-734-8561 (data) Don'ô bå puô ofæ bù TeleVideo'ó lacë oæ enthusiasí iî providinç supporô foò 8-biô computers® Theù havå thå informatioî anä wilì senä iô tï yoõ FREÅ oæ chargå iæ yoõ asë foò it® É wilì updatå thió librarù when/iæ É geô additionaì information® Iæ yoõ havå informatioî whicè shoulä bå includeä here¬ pleaså senä iô tï må at the above address (mine, not TeleVideo). Take care. Ed Grey