; DELETE.MAC VERS: 02.03 DATE: 06/10/87 TIME: 20:58 ; COPYRIGHT 1987 William P.N. Smith - Commercial use prohibited! ; ; delete a file, the DE is pointing at the FCB BDOS EQU 0005H ;jump to BDOS CR EQU 0DH LF EQU 0AH NULL EQU 00H NONZERO EQU 0FFH DELETE::PUSH DE ;save this a sec LD C,13H ;function code CALL BDOS CP NONZERO ;FFH if there was no file found POP DE ;get it back RET NZ ;no problem, just run along CALL PFN## ;show me what filename we are talking about LD DE,DELERR ;tell the operator there's something wrong. CALL STROUT## RET ;and go back DELERR: DB 'will not delete, Error in DELETE module!' DB CR,LF,NULL,'$' .REQUEST strout,pfn END