TOPIC : CHEK15 (CYCLIC REDUNCANCY FILE-CHECK PROGRAM) FROM : IRV HOFF W6FFC DATE : 11 APR 83 CHEK is a file-checking program that calculates and prints (or puts on disk) a CRC (Cyclic Reduncancy Check) value. It can be valuable for quickly checking the accuracy of a file transfer or to see if one file is identical to another. It is similar to another program named CRCK but uses a more common algorithm which gives a different mathematical result. After talking with the original author of CRCK (Keith Petersen W8SDZ), a new name was selected, to avoid confusion when checking results. The algorithm used is the same one standardized with such programs as the COMM7, DISK7, MDM7, MODEM2, MODEM7 and XMODEM7 series. Packet radio and other SDLC networking programs use the same algorithm. NOTE: Keep one file of CHEK15.COM on hand, to pass along to others or to check your library to see what ver- sion you have. Then consider renaming it CHEK.COM on your normal disk. This saves having to remember the version number and typing the extra characters each time it is used. SYSOPS: If 0103H is 0, no disk file will be made, regardless of request. If a disk file is attempted a reminder is displayed that the disk file has been disabled. If 0104H is 0, no system files will be displayed or checked or put on disk. You may wish to put this on your A0: drive simply as CHECK.COM so the user does not need to remember a ver- sion number. (It is displayed in any case each time the program is used). A small menu comes up if you merely type the name of the program, and do not ask for any files to check: A>CHEK ++ No file name specified ++ COMMANDS: CHEK [drive:] FILE Examples: CHEK B:HELLO.ASM check only HELLO.ASM CHEK *.ASM check only .ASM files CHEK *.* check all files, check disk quality CHEK *.* F makes disk file named CHEKLIST.CRC CHEK *.* FF makes disk file named FF.CRC CHEK *.* FILE makes disk file named FILE.CRC CHEK *.* HELLO.ABC makes disk file named HELLO.ABC NOTE: If byte 0103H is 0, no disk file is made regardless of request.